Hello, I'm here in need of assistance. I'm a 14 year old teen, and self confidence is very little for me. I have never had much. Im agender, which means I don't identify as having any gender and that makes it hard for me to feel accepted very often. Anyway, I have always been conscious of my weight and how I appear in others eyes. I hqve always had a lot of fat on my legs and stomach and have always been scared to wear any shorts or swimwear. A few weeks ago I hit a low with feeling bad about how I looked and so I started cutting down how much I ate. It started with skipping lunch, then breakfast. By this week I rarely eat anything other then the odd apple or orange, I have been living off of water only. I'm exactly 5 foot high and weigh 6 stone exactly. I don't know what I have, but I'm scared I have developed a kind of eating disorder. Only my best friend knows as they figured it out after noticing I don't eat at all compared to the large masses I ate just two months ago.
I also have started running to the next village and back every day which is 4 miles, as I feel not eating isn't enough to feel better about myself.