Hi I'm new to all this didn't know it existed. I'm 33 @ had anorexia and bulimia since I was 17. In a very dangerous position now. Weights going down n I just don't care. My nana died a week back, we buried her yesterday. I'm heartbroken. I don't feel I deserve to eat or have food. Just in a dark place
Hi: Hi I'm new to all this didn't know... - Talk ED (eating d...
This is a hard one for me to comment on even though I live with my 26y.o. anorexic daughter. She doesn't talk about her feelings, but I see it in her eyes.
Losses are hard to accept for anyone but the person with ED tends to place all the hurt in not eating, in not feeling worthy. I am so very sorry for your loss and hope that you can get some help going through this grieving process. xx
That's exactly how I feel. Like I don't deserve to have food. Just stay strong for ur daughter and she will come to u when she's ready to except help. It doesn't work having help forced on u , I was admitted to hospital n gained weight but as soon as I was discharged I started obsessing about weight n calories. It needs to come from within. She will get there in sure. Xxx
Hi Vicki, forgive my quickness as I'm practically flying out to work but I wanted to say hi. I'm in recovery from my ED so know exactly how you feel. Have you heard of OA they are part of the 12 step fellowship & this is where I learned from the help of others to Love Myself back to wellness. It may sound corny but it's the inner void that was destroying me. Part of the mental illness of Addiction. Self loathing; not good enough;low self esteem. Google Over Eaters anonymous (anorexia /bulimia )
Sending Angels xx
Thankyou I will certainly have a look. Means a lot that u took the time to reply to me. Xx