I want a thigh gap, I know I should not want this a lot of people have tried to discourage me from trying to get it. But do you guys think I should attempt altering my eating habits to get the gap.
Should a recovering anorexic try to g... - Talk ED (eating d...
Should a recovering anorexic try to get a thigh gap?
no, i don't think you should try for a thigh gap. The likely outcome is you spiral back into an eating disorder. I would focus on healthy eating and exercise, and trying to do things in moderation, A thigh gap is impossible to achieve without going to extremes! Think healthy not ill!
I would agree. Seeking a thigh gap could undo all the good you have done so far. Perhaps a better aim is to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle and enjoy other things that life has to offer.
Absolutley and most definitley NOT! Please resist the urge to diet in order to make yourself an unhealthy weight and shape. Losing weight to give yourself a thigh gap is playing with fire, I promise you. It can so so easily become addictive when you lose weight. Women who are healthy do not need to do this. How is is an acheivement anyway?! There is absolutley nothing to celebrate by starving your body of the food, calories, vitamins and minerals that a healthy woman needs. This is a very very dangerous trend that is NOT normal and NOT good for you in any way, shape or form. What frightens me most is how once a thigh gap has been created how this can so so easily carry on in to making the gap a bit bigger so its bigger than your friends, then a bit bigger than pictures on the web, then you feel good and want to be the thinnest in the class....which develops in to full bown anorexia. I promise you anorexia is the most horrible, vile, life destroying illnesss ever, Believe me when i tell you that anorexia always starts with wanting to lose some weight or alter the size of part of your body then progresses. I have been ill for 19 years and I had to miss out on university, a job, having a boyfriend and having children.
It started by my wanting to get thinner legs.and when I had done that it initiallly felt like a great achievement and thrill..which just made me want to make them a bit thinner....then make sure they were thinner that anyone elses....I ended up totally addicted. Severe dieting doesn't just make you tired and cold but it changes the chemicals in your brain so you can't think straight, can't rationalise your thoughts, see yourself as much bigger or 'fat' when you are very very thin, numerous other problems. Similarly I fear once you have a 'thigh gap' it won't be quite big enough for you and you won't know / be able to stop making it bigger. Please please ignore the urge to do this. You are worth so much more!
Be stronger that those around you that may be setting out on this path. Read up on the effects on the body of starvation. You will be surprised at the extent of the damage to the body that severe dieting can cause, some of which may be permanent. There must be other ways to make yourself feel good and show your strengths and your individual personality. Focus on the healthy goal of maintaning a healthy Body Mass Index. Do NOT fall in to the dieting trap. Anyway, with people around you on this 'thigh gap' mission, by not joining in you will be showing yourself to be the much stronger, intelligent, knowledgable, and positive exampe setter out of them all. Truly. Please post again if you have any doubts or want to ask anything else.Hugs xx
Hi there lyn23,
Welcome to this wonderful Site and hope you get some benefit from it.
I have to whole-heartedly agree with breakingfree"s advice!!
Believe me and her Anorexia is an insidious, cruel illness. Which took me to the brink of my death. I was in Intensive Care with Pneumonia, Sepsis (Organs shutting down) Septicema, respiratory Failure and spent a month in there. None of the /consultant, Dr, Anaesthetics
thought I would ever survive.
Obviously I did! I am now under the care of Specialised High Risk Eating Disorder Team to try and get my life back! \\\\\\\\been there a year already.
ANOREXIA IS A KILLER!! It can start with something like the gap between your thighs that I have learnt about in therapy.
I BEG you not to pursue this it will only lead to heartache and you could end up with full blown Anorexia, I would"nt wish that on my worse enemy (Not that I know I have any!)>
It robs you of eveerything, it almost robbed me of my life!!!!
Before you know it Anorexia is in control of you as opposed to
you being in control of it.
PLEASE take advice off other "Suffers" on this site and DO NOT go down this route, it could well destroy your life.
As it has mine. I am 52 yrs old and have suffered since I was 18 years old. It also robbed my of my ambition of going to Uni ect.
Think again, I listen to to suffers who only have your best interest @ heart!!
Best Wishes
Betty Baby X