hi, sorry if this is in the wrong place. Long story short i suffered with anorexia through my teen years. with help from my then boyfriend i managed to overcome most of fears and have been as fully recovered as i can be. I only ever eat one or two meals a day and exercise to control my weight.
But my then boyfriend/now husband are in the process of separating and instead of being devestated at this i am delighted i havent eaten anything in 2days. I know this is going to be a downward spiral and I'm supposed to be joining the gym and now terrified of going. I used to over exercise as well as not eat.
Is anyone able to offer advice as to what I can do or who to turn too. I know i dont pass the 'do i have anorexia test' but i know that if i dont get this under control quickly i will spiral. Even now i weigh 7st4 which is considered low for my height but that number just seems so high!
Again im sorry if ive posted in the wrong place, i just dont know where else to turn.