Rituximab treatment - any advice on what to ask and what to expect.
I'm currently on CIMZIA ant tnf aswell as MTX ,folic acid, 3mg prednisolone, naproxyn,mepradec, alendronic acid, paracetamol, codeine, amitriptyline with oramorph as back up. together with amlostin, ramiril & bendroflumethiazide for blood pressure ( adrenal glands removed due to tumour 1996).The CIMZIA
I'm currently on CIMZIA ant tnf aswell as MTX ,folic acid, 3mg prednisolone, naproxyn,mepradec, alendronic acid, paracetamol, codeine, amitriptyline with oramorph as back up. together with amlostin, ramiril & bendroflumethiazide for blood pressure ( adrenal glands removed due to tumour 1996).The CIMZIA