Hi, I’m a newbie. I have an ED and am currently under the care of tier 2 MHT. I feel blessed to have been accepted be services, but I am finding this all so hard. It’s like it makes sense to me while I’m with my CPN or MHT Dietician, but I always feel I need something. I’m struggling with the food thing because I’ve been told to eat every 3 hours and to stop laxatives. I’ve eventually stopped the laxatives after realising the science proving they do nothing for weight loss, but now panic more about food and feel even more guilty after food. I’m trying to do the 3 hours thing but find it so hard not to restrict plus most nights I still binge!!!
I have been advised to focus on overcoming my ED before even considering WeightLoss but I can’t seem to separate the 2. I feel as if I am getting bigger by the day. I avoid people. I hide to eat because of shame.
I have been reading one self help book after another and try so hard to think positively, use affirmation, meditation. But nothing seems to be happening.
Please tell me I’m not alone with this because I feel so lonely. I don’t feel services know how hard this is for me. am I broken beyond repair??
Any help/tips/advice would be much appreciated, thank you.