Can anyone help? I'm trying to cope and trying to be strong but i just don't know how anymore. I keep bingeing and its like i can't stop thinking about food full stop. I have so much going on (uni, family stuff, fitness stuff) that i just keep turning to food and feel sick. I'm tired all the time and don't know what to do
binge eating: Can anyone help? I'm trying to cope and... - SWEDA
binge eating

Hey, thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation - it sounds like a massive hurdle. I went through binge eating disorder a few years ago and I can relate so much about food just occupying your thoughts every second of the day.
I wrote a blog about my experience with binge eating disorder and my coping mechanisms. Feel free to check it out at
However I'm not a health professional, so I really encourage you to seek out support. If I know anything at all, it is that I wish I had seeked counselling earlier, or a friend I could call whenever I binge, or just any type of support. Wherever you study uni, it should offer support services to ensure you have a safe well-being in order for you to continue your studies/fitness/family stuff well, as you've mentioned. It sounds like there's a lot on your plate right now, just know that you WILL overcome the binges and you will come out stronger! (Love your username)
Take care.
I'm the same. Food is my crutch and has become my life now. I can't seem to find any help, health professionals say I'm too functioning to get day care but without it I can't stop myself turning to food.
I know friends and that help but I don't have anyone here I can turn to for distraction.
Of you do, then maybe you could try getting together with them?
Hey, I just joined. I’ve just started my journey towards recovery from my BED. How r u getting on? I’m reading this book called the binge code, finding it quite helpful for calming techniques etc to try and move past the binge urge.i get where you are coming from, I’m a single parent, doing my masters, working and trying to maintain my fitness for my sanity lol I suppose my health and fitness journey is what kind of got my here, it started healthy and turned into an obsession with getting leaner, which led to me obsessing over food until I couldn’t control myself and got into a constant binge restrict cycle. I’m working on trying to break that now and focus on my health and happiness. I hope your doing ok and receiving support! I’d love to hear how you are doing X