I cant eat other people food ! Im really specific with what I eat. Im not skiny I eat alot but when it comes to going to someone house I cant eat food there. For example I came to my girlfriends house and her mum made us dinner and I couldnt eat it. The food look good smelt good but as soon as I tried it I couldnt swallow it. And that happen since I was young. But if I go to a restaurant I can eat normally or even fast food places I dont have any problems its only when im at someones house I cant eat and if I know I will eat at someones house im always stressing about it as soon as I find out ? I think is some sort of eating disorder but I dont know . Can someone help me ? What should I do ?
I cant eat at others houses !: I cant eat other people... - SWEDA
I cant eat at others houses !
I know how you feel. I think it might just be a form of anxiety. It's especially difficult to explain the situation to others when I have no problem eating at restaurants (relatively clean restaurants, that is). It's extremely embarrassing to deal with because people draw the conclusion that I think they're dirty, when I don't.
I have the same exact thing it's so weird!?
this is so weird i do the exact same thing at all of my friends houses, i’m not a picky eater and everyone knows i love food. i can eat in restaurants and other places, but never my friends houses. like my belly goes all bloated and i can’t manage to eat and as soon as i go home i’m okay. i have no clue how to stop urgh
I have that same problem, except i also can't eat any food that a friend buys for me. it's like anywhere where i feel the obligation to finish because either someone worked hard to make it or they paid money for it, I physically can't. I can drink liquids and sometimes eat fruit but anything more than the and i get nauseous. I think it's some sort of stress or anxiety thing but I don't know how to get rid of it.
I’m the exact same! It went away for a while but has come back. But mine is eating at restaurants too, basically anywhere that isn’t home. I feel so nauseous and worked up. I can’t not eat out though but I don’t know what to do?
I have a similar problem, I get super stressed about eating away from home. I try to eat at home or familiar places and avoid people's houses who I haven't been to before or new restaurants. I also find plain, healthy food helps, like fruits, veg and bread based things. If I'm eating out I can manage a McDonald's no problem now but I always get the same thing, a plain hamburger and fries. I find it really restrictive as my boyfriend wants to take me on proper dates to restaurants but I don't know how to explain my stress to him. Any tips on how to manage this?
I feel the exact same and before reading this, I felt completely alone and like no one understood, I feel so rude not eating at other people houses but I just can’t help it! This started happening a long time ago but I only realised it was becoming a big problem a few months back, I have told my mum and I want to get help but I just don’t want to sound pathetic, what shall I do?