Have you made any positive changes to your l... - Stand Up 2 OA

Stand Up 2 OA

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Have you made any positive changes to your lifestyle to help your knee pain?

CalvinHU profile image
17 Replies

Have you changed your diet? Drinking more water? Walking more?

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CalvinHU profile image
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17 Replies

trying to loosweight

suryakaizen profile image

The first thing I realised is that there was no point worrying. I eat all that I used to, but in moderation. I keep myself physically active inside the house and also mentally active. I try to avoid any pain medication except when the pain is severe, like maybe once or twice a year. It seems to work for me, except that I’m not able to be active outside the home as much as earlier.

groovyforster profile image

My diet and water intake have both changed. I'm eating a lot more nutrient dense meals and drinking a lot more water. I just developed what I think is Plantar's Fasciitus so I won't be doing much walking unless I have to.

CalvinHU profile image

Questions will resume on Tuesday! Have a lovely weekend :)

Maximonkey profile image

Hi Calvin, I have always drunk water as my cold drink of choice. I have started to eat more protein as I know it helps build muscle and I have noticed that the muscles in my legs around the knee have grown in strength this helps to protect the joints, hence i now have less pain. Maximonkey

dgleds profile image

Have you changed your diet? Drinking more water? Walking more?

I try to build up the muscle above my knees to make things stronger , so less stress on the knee below..Ive always eaten healthy, and try to drink more water....i love walking, but need new shoes more often it seems ,or knee hurts even more...I wore different shoes last few days as my pants were longer and i needed a slightly higher heel (boot), my knee is screaming today...

Kneesandtoes profile image

I have got an activity tracker and I think it is an incentive to move more. Trying to cut down on sugar and eat more pre and probiotic food.

poppyb62 profile image

I am trying to lose weight and drink more water and cut down on the sweet stuff.

So far Ive lost about 35 lb, has taken me 2 yr!!! For the last few months Ive been exercising at least 30 min daily, trying to walk more but I think riding my exercise bike has helped my knee the most. Docs here say for every pound lost, 4 lb of pressure on the knee goes away, so Im hoping to drop at least 20 more lb. I also have a heart issue, so that is also helping me stay motivated.

Neeta-K profile image

No positive changes because I already lived a healthy lifestyle before the knee injury. Just doing physio and awaiting referral to gym.

jointpain profile image

My and my wife's lifestyles are pretty positive now, and have been for the twenty years we've been together, we have always exercised and stay slim. Neither of us drink alcohol, or junk food, we each drink at least 2 litres of water a day. As my knee pains have been around for 40 years from when I would eat anything drink a bit and smoke, work hard and play hard, I don't think having a positive lifestyle has made a difference. I see other people who are overweight, do little or no exercise yet have knees as strong as an ox. I reckon some are lucky, and when it comes to knees I am not!

More vitamins. Cut out gluten. And pacing. I have to accept I can only do so many things in a day. Overdo it and I’ll pay for it the next day

I only take painkillers when I really need them but I do take far more than I ever did in the past which I don’t like.

It’s a different life living with fibro.

Desanthony profile image

Got referral to Physiotherapy - again only saw the GP yesterday and today the physio called me at lunch time to ask when I could make an appointment to see them. Appointment made for 12 September. Amazed that it has been so quick. I always ate pretty healthily and used to be a fitness instructor many years ago and have always kept fit. Up until a year ago last April I was going to the gym at least 4 times a week and keeping my muscles strong. However was then diagnosed with a heart problem and couldn't exercise as I did and coupled with the effects of Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer I have lost a lot of muscle. After that I have had bowel or gut problems (not actually been diagnosed yet after lots of tests) - so inadvertently I have lost over a stone in weight - lost 2 stones to start with but managed to put weight back on slowly and now find that I am stable which is something. I try and walk every day we walk down a lovely country lane - which used to be a railway line to a small retail park a little less than a mile from us meeting lots of people and their gorgeous dogs - so do tend to stop and chat a little now and again(!). There is a lovely department store there where we get a free cup of coffee with our loyalty cards on week days so we have a cuppa, walk around, do a small amount of shopping and walk back. Also try and cycle every day for ten minutes or longer if I can. Now that my heart problem seems to be sorted I am going back to the gym 3 times a week under supervision - just started today actually. Hope to be on the way back to better fitness.

Have a good weekend everyone! Stay Active but don't over do things.

suryakaizen profile image
suryakaizen in reply to Desanthony

Good for you Desanthony, keep it up. And the meeting with others in the park and coffee together with them must be a great way of keeping connected in real time.

NanaFifi profile image

I most certainly have made positive changes! I joined a slimming club and lost weight which has made a massive difference to my knee pain in particular. I have also increased the amount of exercise I do which not only contributed to the weight loss but has most definitely strengthened my muscles.

Mary4957 profile image

Calvin, the positive change I have made is to try and get more sleep. Sleep is so important and helps me have more motivation to exercise and take better care of myself. I would encourage all of us in our community to try and make sure we are getting good sleep!

Neeta-K profile image

No I already live a healthy lifestyle. I’m walking less because of the pain so it’s more negative

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