My scalp itches like crazy and even m... - Scleroderma & Ray...
My scalp itches like crazy and even more when perspiring

It's a passing phase. Is your scalp dry? Use an appropriate shampoo. See if wahsing your hair frequently makes any difference.
I do wash my every day. I have also noticed that when I am stressed it seems to be worse. I was told that i had shingles but there is no rash just itchy
I have had eczema all over my body for about 10/15 years... Have a prescription that I use both as a shampoo and body wash (same bottle) as my eczema grows down from my head onto my face and on occasion becomes infected and then I go onto anti-biotics and also have a medicated cream (kept in the fridge).
So it could be a medical condition or good old fashioned eczema?
I know I have to be careful about which shower gels I use, as many of the perfumed ones make me itch, so I am now trying to apply the same logic to my scalp - I'm currently using a Charles Worthington one which seems to be good. If you suffer from dry skin, this is often exacerbated in the winter, so keep hydrated too. The Body Shop's Hemp range is also very good for dry skin.
I used to get terrible itchy scalp, especially bad around the hairline and above the nape of the neck.
It was accompanied by lumpy flaky skin too. So I used carbolic soap, left it on a while and then a conditioner as it dries your hair a lot, cleared it up.
My cat had a fungal infection and I used it on him and it cleared it up really quickly. I may have caught it from him.
It is brilliant also on the skin, when you've been out in the garden and got a rash or itchy reaction,The carbolic soap is a good anti bacterial and is perfectly safe to use.
Used to be able to buy Lifebuoy soap which contained carbolic, (Red soap) but now it doesn't have the carbolic.
You can buy the carbolic soap online from Available in several sizes. I bought the small bars, I think 10 in a pack.