The reason why I am writing is because, I injured my back in 1999, whilst attending a patient in my work place. As a consequence, I have herniated, dehydrated discs with nerve impingement and recurrent sciatica. On the advice of my union rep in 2011, I applied for industrial injury, although I was awarded 20% benefit I made an appeal against this decision. The reason why, was the DWP examining officer stated that I had a slight scoliosis
and a soft tissue injury, which was not the case.... I have 2 MRI scan reports that clearly state I have a damaged and degenerative spine.
.However, despite the evidence I lost my appeal and my benefit was taken away.The statement of reasons given by the judge and medical doctor stated that my back was already weakened because at the time of the accident I was developing Systemic Sclerosis. They also claimed that I probably started to develop the disease back in 1992 when I had a DVT. In the statement it also claims that the medical staff who treated me for the DVT, failed to diagnose the connective tissue disease. May I also add, that I wasn't even diagnosed with Systemic Sclerosis until 2001. Can anyone offer any advice ? I find this explanation really difficult to accept, and I want to take request that the decision should be set aside and take it forward to a higher tier in court....... Has anyone any thoughts?....... I also injured myself again for the 2nd time in 2011 and exacerbated my back injury...... Since this accident my health has been on a downward spiral and I have been faced with the decision to retire from work.... Please can anyone help???