I'm about to start talking sildenafil for my Raynaud's,having tried Nifedipine and losartan with no noticeable effect.Any advice?? Interestingly the leaflet accompanying the tablets,says not to be taken by women🤔
Sildenafil: I'm about to start talking... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Hi KathleenMary
As you know many medications are effective on conditions other than which they have been developed for. This drug is Viagra so the advisory isn’t a generalisation but a caution for its primary use which does not work for women 😉 . I hope that helps.
Hi KathleenMary,
I also take sildenafil for Raynauds and struggled with headaches and severe facial flushes. But stick with it as it does work quite effectively. I hope it brings you some relief.
I take 3 sildenafil daily. Never had a problem with it. It's purpose for men is to dilate blood vessels in the penis and that's what it does for Raynaud's sufferers, only not in our nether regions! 😜
I took nifpedine with no affect. Now on sildenfil for last 4 months and seems to be helping more.
Thanks everyone for your very positive sndwers
I was prescribed Sildenafil which didn't suit me. Changed to Tadalafil (a different version of the same drug) which I am finding much better. It is helping and I'm glad I persevered and found one that suits me.

Hi KathleenMary,
I have taken sildenafil in the past and I found it really effective, especially for closing the ulcers on my fingers. It can effect you in many ways and for people this may be different. I was reluctant to take it at first but after taking it for a short period of time it helped to ease pain on my fingers and give relief so I can be able to get on with my daily tasks. I am currently taking Losartan on a low dose by choice which is fine for now. My advice would be to give it a go on the recommendation of your rheumatologist if your body reacts to it in a negative way then stop and revert back to what works. I hope you can find relief for pain.
Best wishes,
Thank you very much
I use Sildenafil for Reynauds and it has been a life saver. Works great and quickly as needed for an episode.
I've been taking sildenafil for a while now, and it's been the most effective thing for my Raynaud's. I'd previously tried losartan, but not got on with it, and then had been on nifedipine for quite a while until sildenafil was released under a generic licence, so wasn't as expensive to prescribe, and I was offered this. It's been much more effective than the other meds for me.
I do get facial flushing with it, but this settles down a bit when I take it regularly. I can take it up to three times a day, but find I can normally only manage twice a day without having too many side effects.
The one thing I do notice is that the benefits seem to be more short-lived, so I do need to be on top of taking it regularly. If I miss doses then I notice more Raynaud's symptoms.
I'd definitely recommend it if it's been suggested by your doctor. And don't worry about the leaflet - lots of drugs are used off-licence for conditions they weren't initially created for. All the best! I hope it helps!
I have had Raynauds for over 25 years, I now have Systemic Sclerosis and because of this have got Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Mild lung disease, GORD. I was prescribed Sildenafil back in January 2022, and have been taking this ever since for my PAH. I have had no side effects whilst taking this, I was told that it was quite new in being prescribed, it helps with blood flow (as you can imagine). Since being on it I haven't really had a change in my condition and will continue with it. I hope this helps, if you need anymore information then please do get in touch.
I’ve been taking sidenifil for about 6 months now after a number of years on Nifedipine. I seem to be doing fine with it. The real tell will come as winter cold sets in.
Hi, I tried Nifedipine with no results. I have now been put on Sidenifil 3 a day but I find they are making me feel sick and it seems to have aggravated my Hiatus Hernia. Does it take a while for them to make a difference?Any advice would be appreciated.
Well I don't want to sound negative,but three sildenafil a day are not helping much,just seen my rheumatologist and we are going to try upping the dose gradually to 3x50 a day. But we have to closely monitor my BP as it tends to be low anyway and I have had some dizzy spellsBut please note others are finding it very helpful