Due to have iloprost infusion, daft question, but is the cannula left in place for the duration of treatment (6 days), or is a new one each in each day?
Iloprost: Due to have iloprost infusion... - Scleroderma & Ray...

In my experience the cannula is left in for as long as possible but maybe renewed if necessary.
Hello Anne, they will only change your cannula if it needs doing. Ideally you might go a whole week with one cannula.
They will leave the line in for the duration.
All that happens is regular monitoring of BP and O2. If you feel a little dizzy the flow rate is reduced so your body can catch up. The sensation is not uncomfortable and you have nothing to worry about.
The time you are there is relevant to the dosage which is based on your height and weight. If you can absorb it at 40% (full flow) you could be out in three days. less if there are enough staff on to keep your ob's up overnight.
It is a breeze. Nothing to worry about what so ever. Your worst problem is being utterly board. So, lap top with loads of dvd's, books crosswords,knitting. Anything to distract from the inevitable looney in the next bed.
Take plenty of treats. Chocolate, biscuits etc. Treat it as a rest.
Good luck. I'm sure it will be fine.
Regards. Mark.
That made me laugh! LOL............ 😁
In Ireland I have to travel to the hospital everyday 160km round trip, I get a new one everyday
I think a cannula in the same place for Six days may feel sore, so I imagine they'll change it 2 or 3 times. I can say that mostly from experience, Although unless you pick a secondary infection aka any bugs up and need a secondary site for a drip or a second cannula, you should be ok and don't worry about a daily cannula ,it would probably be too sore to have one changed so often.
Hope it all goes well, Regards etc Lynda
Just had Iloprost last week, one cannula lasted two days but everyday after I had to have a new one! Worst part in my opinion were the headaches, but I stayed on full strength most of the week.
Normally change it every 2 or 3 days unless it gets sore
I usually manage 2 days with same cannula, depends where it is sited. Experience not too bad, make sure they give you anti sickness pill and paracetamol each day before you start. Hope all goes well
Had my first iloprost in Oct, went well for me, daily visits. Changed my canula once as it was getting sore - I am a farmer and I still had work to do when I got home every night, lifting 12 kg buckets of feed etc which won't have helped.
I very rarely manage longer than a day. I have shocking veins so not a pleasant experience of multiple attempts and different drs having a go...I have iloprost every 4 weeks for 3 days and the infusion itself isn't too bad. When I get home I just carry on as normal really
I have iloprost infusions at the Royal Free Hospital where a cannula is left in for 3 days max unless it is necessary to change the cannula more often. During my last infusion last week, I had bad headaches, some photophobia and nausea. I have been having iloprost infusions for over 20 years and usually tolerate them well with mild headaches.