I am going to Tenerife for a week does anyone know if scleroderma is something you have to declare to travel insurance company . Also will it be safe to be in the sun ? ☀️
Holiday: I am going to Tenerife for a... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Yes you will need to declare this fact and the ins company will want to know you last hospital admission, all your medications and organ involvement etc. make sure you have an up to date E11 card with you, you can get this on line and it entitles you to free medical care anywhere in Europe in case your ins company will not cover your condition. I always wear a high factor sun cream as the sun makes my skin very tight and gives me awful rashes, however the heat helps my joint pains. Hope you have a lovely holiday 😎
When I declared scleroderma to my insurance company they listed the medications I am taking but didn't increase my annual premium. I have read conflicting advice about the sun but I spent 4 weeks in India earlier this year with no ill effects. I felt much better in the heat. it was around 30 deg every day. I did take care to keep in the shade as much as possible and wore a high factor sun cream which I always did before getting scleroderma anyway. You could always ask you GP but I don't think they really know. Shortly after being diagnosed with scleroderma I found out I had essential thrombocythemia and am now taking chemotherapy tablets for the rest of my life. The haematologist was most concerned about me going on a cruise ship shortly after I was diagnosed. She said I should avoid all sea food, the hot tubs and swimming pool, alcohol and lots of other pleasurable things. I took most of her advice with a pinch of salt and survived to tell the tale. Just go and enjoy yourself.
Yes it is something that needs to be declared to the insurance company along with medications> I have Scelro and take MTX each week but have just come back from a holiday to New Zealand and had no problem whats ever. I would say do make sure you have a copy of your repeat prescriptions with you so this can be shown at airport if asked about your meds which need to be in your hand luggage.
I also use a very high factor suncreams every day even if it seems a bit cloudy because you can still get burned from the UV rays.
Have a lovely holiday & you will find that your joints do seem much better with the warmth.
Thank you 😍 .
Hello i have Scleroderma and Raynaud and i allways have to get my insurance out and have a E11card.Ihope yo have a great time.truerose