Just a bit worried this is not just raynauds. No color changes ever. Just red and fingers and palms wrinkly. Better since I've been using eurecin. Nail folds always red and slight swelling below that.
Going to the dermo tomorrow. Are they... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Going to the dermo tomorrow. Are they things I need to ask to have done to rule out scleroderma?

Hi there. You can ask for further tests to rule out secondary Raynaud's (I am presuming you have primary) and any other associated conditions. For secondary Raynaud's there are a few tests such as video capillaroscopy (which look at the blood vessels around the nail but a magnifying glass can do this too) or a thermography test (which look at how long the hands return to a normal temperature after being immersed in cold water). For associated conditions, a blood test would rule these out, which you can ask your GP for. Thanks. Hope it all goes well for you.
Thank you
Hope everything goes well. Keep us updated.
Went to see the dermatologist today about the problems with hands and feet. Basically trying to cover all my bases. He doesn't want to touch me. Ha. With all the other things going on and the possible mast cell diagnosis. He doesn't think its raynauds because it doesn't behave that way doesn't think it's erythromalgia because it doesn't behave that way nor scleroderma because no capillary changes no hardening, etc. thinks somehow it's all related to the possible mast cell. Wants me to see a special dermatologist after I get my test results back for mcas. Just having to many of those days where I'm feeling like I'm hanging in the wind.
How long will it take for you to get your results? Did the specialist say?
Should get the mast cell results anytime now.
Fingers crossed for you.
Thank you