Does anyone elses arms ache when brushing hair? I brush my hair in the morning and after less than a minute my arm please??
Question: Does anyone elses arms ache... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Possibly fatigue, I think most of us suffer with fatigue and this condition. So raising your arm and blood circulation etc... maybe?
The answer is yes to your question. It is possible that it does not happen everytime. When it happens to me I brush my hair in stages.
Ahh, thanks, my head is quite sensitive too, eg when my mum straightens my hair it feels like its burning after 5-10 seconds, do you get this? I also get a bright red head when showering, although only sometimes. The worst thing is sometimes my head is that itchy that it bleeds, is this normal? Plus i have a rash on my arm, but im not sure why, ideas?
I really would not leave this problem for too long littlemissshy, especially the rash on your arm. My arms ache when I do my hair, so, like zenabb, I do my hair in stages.
Ok, so you think i should tell my dr? I dont want to waste their time is all, and ok thanks.
Yes indeed! I have a lot of muscle pains in my arms and find it difficult to comb my own hair. It seems to be getting worse so have decided to get my friend to twist my hair into a dreadlocks style for me tomorrow. This will last for a while so don't have to comb everyday.
Let your doctor know about this. He/she will not be surprised, this is one of the many syptoms associated with Raynaud's.
my mother, she thinks i am getting the symptome of fibro myalgia as my nan has the same symptoms as me (minus the raynauds) and she has been diagnosed with it. apparently, many dr miss it as the symptoms are so similar to many others. it is common, but not at my age, people between 30-50 normally get it. its about the poss 1 in 25 people have it. its scary though, its meant to take 3 months to properly progress mine has taken a week!!!! all the best x