Eating Disorder Posting Guidelines - Spirited Lady Ret...

Spirited Lady Retreat

Eating Disorder Posting Guidelines

2 Replies

Welcome to the Eating Disorder Forum! Eating Disorders are very difficult to overcome even with the care of a professional counselor, therapist, medical doctor and/or nutritionist. The isolation we subject ourselves to when we are in our eating disorder behaviors is a very lonely place. So let’s help each other by offering caring words, encouragement, advice, ideas, experiences, and HOPE for recovery!

On this forum the following items are all acceptable!

Ask a question about eating disorders

Comment and answer other peoples posts

Help others by describing what worked for you in your recovery

Mentor someone on their recovery journey

Share your personal story

Use it to express how you are feeling about what you are going through and seek support

What is not acceptable

Derogatory remarks

Belittling a member

Harsh statements or words

Pro eating disorder comments.

We are a pro-recovery site and hope to help others obtain recovery. Please join in and let's conquer Eating Disorders together!

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2 Replies
homadee profile image

I have issues eating generally. I eat the portion of a 2 year old.

in reply to homadee

Hello homadee!

So sorry I didn't respond sooner to this! Somehow I missed seeing it. What type of eating issues are you referring to? Are you concerned you may be anorexic?

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