Hello. I have been diagnosed with sjogrens and antiphosphorlipid syndromes. Over the past few years I have had so much dental work because my teeth had lost all their enamel. My dentist and surgeon thought it best for me to have all my teeth extracted because of the new Carie’s forming at each visit. I had them extracted and have dentures ( which are not working well because of the lack of saliva). My dentist said I can get implants and switch to the snap on dentures. The only issue is cost. For permanent dentures and implants I got a quote of $49,900.00. For implants and snap on dentures the quote is $23,000. Does anyone know of any grants or nonprofits that may help defer the cost of these implants? . It is crucial that I get out of these removable dentures as I am unable to eat much and have lost quite a bit of weight. Medicare and the Humana advantage plan will not cover the cost of implants. Has anyone come across these issues? Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Diane
dental implants??: Hello. I have been... - Sjogren's Support
dental implants??

Hi Diane
I have also lost a lot of teeth , about 65% .They are maily uppers and this is due to sjogrens disease .I have had a top denture which is aweful as my mouth especially the roof is very dry and the denture is irratating it .I am amazed the dentists are totally unaware of this problem with the dentures .In fact even though I have been losing teeth for over 15 years the dentist did not have a clue why it was happening .In the end a visit to a ENT consultant was an awakening moment to all the problems I have for years and years .I hope the states does not take so long to dianose people as it does in the UK .
I also cannot afford the implants either they they about a £1000 each over here in the UK .There is another type of denture which is a little plastic , but has very light weight metal bands so the roof of the mouth is not totally enclosed .It is about £1200 a denture .I am considering it as my bottom teeth do not have very long left .I do not know if it is available in the States .If you would like some more info and a picture I can send it you .I must admit I never thought the teeth would but such a horrible and exlensive problem .I only wear the denture when I go out as it is embarresing , eating with it is impossible .Hope this helps
Cathy, thank you for your response. Yes, please send me the name of the appliance and a picture. I appreciate your help.
Hi I have sent a picture of the dentures , the metal varies in shape , some are strips and some are the same shape as the plastic ones .For a top denture with 5 teeth is was £1200 , cheaper than implants but not cheap . At the moment I am about to lose my last front top tooth , when they took the teeth either side it loosened it , I hate teeth or lack of them lol .Let know how you get on , best of luck with it all Cathy
i understand your problem with dry mouth affecting your teeth. I just had 3 fillings put in this morning. My dentist understands it’s reflux and Sjorgrens causing the issues. Have you tried contacting a dental school in your area? Sometimes you can get work done there much cheaper than in a private office. The dental students are supervised as they complete the work.