Red bumps
in hands
Red bumps
in hands
If they look like mosquito bites and are itchy, they could be either chilblain or urticaria.
Have your blood test done and see if there is inflammation sign. I have urticarial vasculitis and it all started one very damp English winter with red bumps on my hands. I thought I was allergic to something initially. But that wasn't the case. I think you should look into it.
My husband got red bumps in the hands, he discovered they were connected to Sjogrens from an google image search. He only gets bumps when he is having a painful flare.
Eczema can be a partner with Sjogren's. I get it in the form of red bumps mostly on my hands when I'm under stress or eat reactive foods like citrus fruits and gluten. They are itchy and have a bit of fluid in them. If I watch what I eat, they calm down and the skin heals. .