a trait, so we don't know the chances??
My fiancé has sickle cell anemia and w... - Sickle Cell Society
My fiancé has sickle cell anemia and we want to have a baby but are very scared that our child will inherit the disease. I myself don't have

If one parent has sickle cell trait and the other has no sickle genes, their children have: a 1 in 2 chance of having sickle cell trait, and a 1 in 2 chance of having normal haemoglobin genes.
Bc u don't even have trait none of the children will have the disease. They will all just have trait bc she has the disease
he has sickle cell so he understands more than anyone how getting sickle cell works. as long as you have no trait or full blown sickle cell your kids will be fine. I have sickle cell and my husband is what you call AA. you can't marry AS OR SS. or the variants of sickle cell or thelasimia. Good luck.
See a genetic specialist. My grown daughter has the disease. She has a child who has the trait. The child's father has the trait. It was a blessing from Good that my granddaughter doesn't have the disease.You don't want to bring a child into this world to suffer if you can help it#!!!
This was very helpful for me to hear I recently found out I'm pregnant 🙈😊👣💞but when I found out I was really scared and worried about my baby and if my pregnancy will go well because I have sickle cell disease and I heard there can be many complications during pregnancy but this post gave me some faith all I pray for is a healthy baby😌💯
Neither parent has to have it just in the blood line. Neither of my parents have it yet me and my half sister does. My half sister being of different father's tells me I inherited this from my mother's side yet my mother doesn't have it yet my mother's brother did and very severe too. Odds I was given when my son was born with both parents with the trait was 2 in 4 chance of the trait 1 in 4 chance of full blown Sc and 1 in 4 chance nothing, my son has full blown sc