Question can you live for 45 years and not know you have sickcell
Sickcell: Question can you live for 4... - Living with Sickl...
The answer to that is Yes, because the degree of our reaction to SCD differs from one person to the other and may not become apparent till later years in life when our body tolerance begin to drop and one begins to suffer from SCD symptoms.
I guess more research on the aspect of SCD tolerance amongst sufferers need to done.
I doubt that because despite the degree of our sickle cell, we all most often experience crisis in varying degrees. Some may be fortunate to have less frequent and short episodes of crisis years apart. Maybe what you have is the trait. Eitherway, It is something worth researching on.
Not true I just found out lest year that I have Sickle cells SS not the trait but the for disease and is bad
It is an interesting twist, I guess we learn daily and therefore implies sometimes, medical research and tests may not always be right reason why it is good to seek second, third opinions. Ashia, I pray armed with this knowledge, you can now have an action plan to both take care of yourself and keep enjoying life to the fullest.
Yes I found out when I was 29 least year
Dear NeNe71,
Being a 62 yr., old my Mother now age 96 said she and my dad always wondered why I was SO RED upon my birth. Wasn't until I got run over by a bike at age 10 that sent me to the hospital that night with severe body pain most in abdomen and took 7 docs 1 week to solve my issue which came back as SCD..What I can't understand is how is it that we still have people not knowing they have the trait or have SCD? Thought all hospitals were issuing this test on all newborns..are the hospitals dropping the ball?!
Please, anyone who can enlighten me on the questions being asked it's greatly appreciated.
Living Life