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Hi Maem!
I would like to know if you can advise about complementary therapies and whether you believe they are effective in treating metastatic breast cancer, namely the following:
-Vascular embolisation
-Vitamin C infusions
-Mistletoe therapy
-Infrared saunas (near or far?)
Also, the question I think a lot of us are thinking: does it look like we are any closer to a cure for this disease?
Hi Maem. Thanks so much for doing this. I have three questions:
1. Repeating therapies - Can you ever return to a treatment (hormone or chemo) after it has run its course?
2. Diet - There is a lot of discussion about diet and living with metastatic breast cancer. Do have strong feelings about specific foods to avoid and specific foods that can help?
3. New drugs - Are there any promising new treatments on the horizon? I have ER+, HER2- MBC.
Thanks again.
Great! Thanks for arranging this!
Thank you so much for making Dr. Tepinski available to us. I believe I would ask the question s already outlined plus help for low platelets while on Ibrance. My palliative care doc gave me wheatgrass powder which I use in a smoothie. I made it through my 3 wk. Ibrance cycle. I will have bloodwork on Monday. So far so good. Is it safe? How safe is cbd oil in combo with Ibrance and Faslodex? Have you done any research with the oil? And dosage. Thank you, Marianne
Are there any New treatments for er/hr positive bone mets only!
Hello Maem! I have mbc to the lymphe nodes and a large pleural effusion. I am currenly on Ibrance (5th cylce) and letrazole. Does the pleural effusion ever dissipate? Are there other drugs out their besides Faslodex and Letrazole?
Will try to be here for the live but gonna post questions here
ER + Her - original breast cancer 2008 infiltrative ductal carcinoma, staged 2b, lumpectomy, had to go back in for clean borders, removed 16 nodes 2 were positive, this was followed by 4x A &C and then 4x T with nulasta given with appropriate drug, then 6-1/2 weeks radiation and because I always had abnormal Pap smears they showed pre cancerous cells a total hysterectomy. Then I was on Femara/letrozole for 6 years. Was no sign of disease for a few years post Femara. Mets were diagnosed July 2017. My only met is to the fluid/lining of my peritoneal cavity and looks very small there in one small area and some tiny flecks of light in the fluid itself. Have had 7-8 pet scans, the only way they can see/find my cancer, since diagnosis. I am looking into Hipec and the scraping cleaning removing of any affected flesh ,would like any info you might have, drs where this procedure might be done for breast cancer mets to peritoneal cavity/ peritoneal carcinamatosis. Where I might get done, best dr for, may have to be done as palliative care, are there trials going on that I might fit into. My local dr doesn’t seem to be encouraging me to think out of the box. I found a study online done in Italy I believe. It was very small as it is so rare to have mets to only the peritoneal cavity. But these woman were actually considered cured with the longest patient living 10 years later considered cured not just no sign of disease. Not having to be on chemo drugs. Love my local dr but she encourages me to stay with the known until they stop working. Assuming at that point I would be in worse physical condition and less able to withstand this 6-18 hour surgical procedure and that I would have to go through months of suffering through ascites and it happening multiple times. I would rather try now when I am strong not a deaths door last ditch effort. It could mean a cure for me. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any and all information, help would be greatly appreciated and might lead to me being cured!
Thank you so very much,
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