Besides fatigue, I tolerate Ibrance w... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Besides fatigue, I tolerate Ibrance well, until my week off! Then I'm a bit nauseous. Anyone else?

21 Replies

Feeling worse on my week off Ibrance!

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Sometimes I’m exhausted. This cycle I wasn’t. I don’t get nauseous usually. In it about 3 years

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Wow Nrocks, Ibrance seems to be working well for you, that's great! This is my third cycle and I guess fatigue is the new norm.

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Hope it is. Recently switched from letrozole to faslodex because some of my lung Mets grew a bit. Guess we’ll see next scan. I read about a woman on it 6 years.

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Six years, wow! She must have been one of the first on it. Amazing to hear.

I have lung mets too! I hope and pray faslodex will work for you. Do you have a new scan date?

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February. Fingers crossed

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Omg..6 years..she must have been on the trial from the beginning..that’s amazing..hope I can be like that

Barb xx

lovetopaint profile image
lovetopaint in reply to

How can someone be on Ibrance for 6 years? I thought it was only released in 2015?

in reply to lovetopaint

The first patient was treated in 2004. I just found the Ibrance study time line but can't copy it on here.

I lovetopainttoo😊❤️

Snowcone16 profile image

I was on Ibrance for 4 months. Each month brought me mixed side effects. Mostly tolerable. I had always started on tuesdays. The first weekend of it, I was usually tired and needed a nap. The nausea was usually last week. I started to proactively take zofran for nausea w the Ibrance in that last week of cycle. Zofran has no side effects but worked wonders preventing nausea.

in reply to Snowcone16

Thanks Snowcone16! If the nausea is again the same next cycle I'll request Zofran.

You're no longer on Ibrance?

Snowcone16 profile image
Snowcone16 in reply to

No. I had mixed results at 4 month scan. Oncologist switched me to Afinitor and Exastamene.

in reply to Snowcone16

Prayers for you that it is working and result in remission!🙏

Thanks Tri78! I take mine with breakfast but probably don't drink enough water. Good to hear the nausea is less. I am going to email my onc and ask for Zofran.

blms profile image
blms in reply to

Seriously drink close to a gallon of water each day. It really helps with nausea and exhaustion. tough to do--but if you buy a glass jug with a spigot from Amazon, you can keep track. Squeeze lemon if you prefer.

in reply to blms

Ik not close to a gallon. Maybe 48oz. I am going to immediately increase that! My skin is also so dry....maybe dehydration plays a big part. Thanks so much for the suggestion ❤️❤️

blms profile image
blms in reply to

It does! Even Pfzier states to drink gallon daily while on Ibrance . I drink a bit shy if that. But I do notice the days I don’t concentrate on water, eyes dry and energy lower

SeattleMom profile image

Hi, Spiffy!

Not sure how long you have been on Ibrance. I am about to start my second year, and I found that, in the early months, it was the WEEK OFF when I seemed more achy. That has disappeared, and I think it may be due to the fact that your body takes a bit of time to adjust to this new medication.

Also, I always have taken this med when I go to bed, as potential side effects of nausea were mentioned.

Bless you! XXOO Linda

blms profile image
blms in reply to SeattleMom

The reason the week off is the worst is basically that you have just had 3 weeks of it! It is a build up. I lose more hair that week as well, but it all makes sense. Then your first week back, your bone marrow has had a chance to perk back up, etc.

Merzy profile image
Merzy in reply to blms


Thank you for all of your input. I LOVE the idea of having the spigot. Ever since I started chemo, I started disliking drinking regular water.

-Do you fill your spigot with tap water?

-If so, do you filter it in any way?

-Do you have to brush or rinse your mouth out several times throughout the day to rid the lemon acid off your teeth? -Does the spigot have a tendency to develop mold? About how often do you have to give it a GOOD cleaning?

-Do ice cubes help control that?

-If you throw lemons in with the rinds, how do you clean them beforehand?

-Do you squeeze the lemons first or just let them float?

-Do you think adding bottled lemon juice would work just as well?

-Thank you for your tips! I wish you much continued longevity and happiness! :-)

blms profile image
blms in reply to Merzy

I use filtered water from my refrigerator filter in my glass jug. I do NOT put lemons into the jug as they get gross quickly.. And yes, keep a check on the spigot and you can clean with one of those tiny brushes used for small spaces.

I squeeze fresh lemons in my water and I do often put in with the rind but only after scrubbing the skins with a fruit brush I have on hand. You don't need the rind just lemon. You could use the real lemon juice, I just don't happen to care for the taste. But, you could also squeeze lime or a little of another fruit as it is just to flavor.

Although lemon (as well as lime) is very liver cleansing so that is a double benefit for first thing in AM. Also, look up milk thistle for liver if you don't take already.

My teeth have not had a negative effect from the lemon in my water and I have been doing this for years now. So, not to worry unless you are eating the lemons directly, I honestly do not think you will have a problem.

in reply to SeattleMom

Thank you Linda! And I'm going to switch (gradually) to taking it at night!❤️

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