I am starting whole breast radiation a week from today on the left side. The worse potential side effect seems to be the potential effects on the lungs. I am wondering if anyone has experienced loss of lung capacity due to radiation and what it is like. Any other insights would be appreciated.
Radiation: I am starting whole breast... - SHARE Breast Canc...

I had 20 rounds of whole breast and 4 targeted on the left side in 2020 and the same amount on the right side in 2018 , I have not noticed a lung issue. I was very concerned about the effect on the heart , it being on the left side, and was reassured it would not be subjected to the beam. I had it done in the prone position, since I have large breasts, so maybe ask if yours can be done prone, it does remove some risk to lungs and heart.
unfortunately, I had 8 weeks of radiation and a year later my right lung collapsed and became trapped in thick mucous fibroids - scar. Tissue - from radiation. Have the pleasure of having one lung now. So passed
I totally get your concerns! I had 20 rounds of whole breast and 5 targeted “boosters” on my left breast exactly one year ago and haven’t noticed any changes in lung capacity. I’m fair-skinned and was concerned about skin reactions, but diligently used calendula cream (at the radiation RN’s advice) twice a day and only had the mildest reactions. A year out I see the faintest “tan” lines around the radiation field. The whole experience was actually good; the staff were all kind, caring and supportive.
Best of luck!
When I had radiation to my left breast my concern was my heart. My advice for you is to tell your concerns to the doctor, the technician, and whoever is involved with your radiation. Don’t depend on everyone reading prior notes. Hopefully, they will explain the process and the direction of the radiation, annd put your worries to rest. Almost four years out, I’ve had no heart or lung issues. Good luck and prayers for a positive outcome.
Sagebug, so sorry your having to go through this! I did not experience loss of lung capacity. I was a little short of breath at times and coughed a little more often for a bit during and after treatment. For me the fatigue was the worst. The skin irritation was painful for me it didn't get that way until after I was done. I recommend Aquaphor lotion. For me radiation was mentally and emotionally taxing. I had 25 rounds, going everyday and at the time it was the end of my treatment plan. I was not prepared for that. My social worker said a lot of patients say that radiation is emotionally taxing. Talking with my social worker and therapist helped during this time. Each person is different. I hope all side effects are mild and the radiation is effective. Best wishes.
I had 15 days of whole breast and 5 days of boost 6 years ago. To minimize radiation exposure to my lungs and heart I elected to have a deep breath holding technique. I have had no lung or heart issues. Good luck.
I just finished left side radiation...16 sessions. No sense of any heart or lung issues. Need a long nap each day. Redness like a faint sunburn. More red and lots of tiny pimple-like spots during the last week and still continuing one week afterwards. Nipple area is super-sensitive with skin cracking the week after. Whole breast feels more sensitive, like it did after surgery. I slathered on Aquaphor before beginning treatment and every day and night during treatment(wear old bras and shirts you don't mind sacrificing to oil stains). Good luck.
I wore my husband’s white cotton T-shirts when I was having radiation so I didn’t care about stains from the heavy moisturizers. I was able to tuck them into skin folds to prevent rubbing and skin to skin heat build up. I wore my bra on top of the T-shirt. Nothing was stained or ruined.
Greetings: Sister, Warrior😇. I had radiation to my neck, breast, and under arm with more targeted radiation to the lumpectomy, and the lumpectomy margin cleaned up area almost 16 years ago. The radiation definitely went through a part of my lung, and my heart. I had a grapefruit sized dark spot on my back😳 . My breast had a quarter sized burn mark that now no longer shows. I had to use Aquaphor, Shea Butter, and aloe leaf for years before it was no longer visible🙂. The radiation today is less damaging to healthy tissue, and is more targeted, and can bend around healthy tissue. Look into a Dr. 😇 Gil Lederman in Manhattan N.Y. who first created this form of healthy tissue saving radiation treatment (Cyberknife), with no cutting or bleeding.. I am am sure other big name hospitals are doing the same treatment. I was physically very fit before being diagnosed with Triple Negative MBC. I feel my lung, and heart were effected. It was sooo hard to breath after a year of not working out during aggressive treatment , and trying to get back in. shape🙄. I am grateful to GOD that I am in better shape than when I was diagnosed. Yesss I researched , and found (2 )😇😇 Fitness Trainers who were against the thought that a lymnphodema diagnosis meant I could never use that arm again to push, or pull more than 10-15 lbs on the affected arm. I have to use a $16 compression sleeve I found on Amazon. I am now doing 20 men's push-ups, 70 women's push-ups, 42 pull ups, and 70 dips 2-3 times a week by GOD'S grace, and mercy😀. Dr.s 16 years ago said I wouldn't live to see 2008, and that I would never be able to put more than 10-15 lbs on the arm that had lymnphodema . I am a walking, talking , and yesss breathing miracle from GOD👍😃. I am thinking about going back to school to become a Fitness trainer, even though the Covid-19 pandemic interrupted that part of my journey. I am just soooo grateful to be alive, and living my best life.
Greeeeeetings:😇 Sister/Warrior we are all here on this journey, not just for ourselves, but to help others along the way. Iron sharpens iron. Please extend the blessing to others that you can help along your journey.🙂 The GOD I/We serve is good, great awesome, amazing (Awe-mazing. Have a great day week, month year, and beyond 😇.
hi Sagebud. I had radiotherapy on my right side I’m right handed. But don’t think I had any side effect other than a suntanned breast and bruising on the rib just under my breast. Still feels tender there now and had radiotherapy last September. My sister had radiotherapy over about a month (20 odd years ago) and her lung was damage slightly as shown in a scan later on. But she’s fully recovered and does not have any long term affects with her lungs. Xx
Thank you! I have just 5 sessions left and a nice "sunburn" but not too bad. Looking forward to it being over.
Hello, Just as an update for anyone out there who may be going thru the same thing. I'm on session 12 of partial radiation and it is not so awful. Have quite a burn mark, and its very tender, but no noticeable fatigue. I have been able to continue doing yoga and running (4 miles) like I normally do. Not every day, but I don't do them every day normally anyway. I'm looking forward to the burn being able to recover. Just 3 more sessions. Phew! and then on to tamoxifen. A whole other adventure. Hanging in there. I hope you all are as well.
Yay, you’re almost on the other side! Glad to hear you’ve been managing through pretty well. I will share that while it’s a tremendous relief to be done with active treatment (I also started a hormone blocker after radiation) it was also a bit of an emotional experience to leave the daily care of the kind and supportive radiation team. Like now, after months of appts, scans, tests, phone calls, surgery, radiation, they were leaving me on my own! Of course, I still see my medical oncologist every 3 months and have blood work, but she said that my reaction was pretty common. It was short-lived though and exactly a year post-radiation I’m living my “normal” life!
Best of luck to you!