DCIS: I know this sounds stupid, but is... - SHARE Breast Canc...

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28 Replies

I know this sounds stupid, but is it normal to feel totally overwhelmed and scared by this diagnosis? This has come completely out of the blue for me.

28 Replies
mena52 profile image

It doesn't sound stupid at all KatRey. Why wouldn't you feel scared, helpless & overwhelmed with a cancer diagnosis? If you are in UK do you have the number for Macmillan cancer hotline 020 8915 6899 ? It's a 24 hour 7 day a week service and they will talk you through all the things you are going through and will help with any worries or questions you may have. You should also have an appointed nurse that you can contact. I was able to bring my daughter with me to most of my appointments in the early days with the consultant & she took notes & asked questions because it was hard for me to take it all in on my own. With covid now I believe in UK you cannot bring a partner in with you but try phoning the Macmillan service they are really helpful and understanding. Good luck on your cancer journey and make sure you listen to your body and rest as much as you can. The household chores can wait but you need to keep yourself as rested and hydrated as possible with your treatments. xx

in reply to mena52

Thank you for your kind words, I have a nurse to contact, and a great supportive husband and family but, it was just such a shock,

mena52 profile image
mena52 in reply to

The family will also be in a state of shock but it's good to hear they are very supportive for you. All the best to you. My diagnosis was in 2019 but I am still having treatment every 6 months and daily meds. xx

sharon1014 profile image
sharon1014 in reply to mena52

When I was diagnosed I was 42 with 4 kids. Thanks to my husband and family and friends I was able to get through it. My mentality was that the whole process chemo, surgery, radiation and then reconstruction was that it was a waste of my time and this pushed me to get through it stronger. Lean on your family and friends, they want to help you! You can do this!

Thank you again.

Jillwithers profile image

My heart goes out to you! I was the same. Listen to the your body. Rest when you can. Talk to a social worker. I needed to see a counselor and taking antidepressant. It helped so much. Remember you are better than this dammed disease. You are stronger than you think!

in reply to Jillwithers

Thank you for your kind words and support.

Jillwithers profile image
Jillwithers in reply to Jillwithers

When I was diagnosed. I told myself that I would not let this dammed disease will not define me..and it has not.. Tell yourself those same words. Take advantage of anything that is offered to you .it all helps! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

in reply to Jillwithers

Thank you

Warrio profile image

It is not stupid at all. They are shocking words to hear. Even more so when they apply to you. You're not alone. It may be a challenging adjustment to be open and lean on your support team. Research and utilize the resources available to you. It's a learning process for sure. Big hugs!

Thank you

Nicu18 profile image
Nicu18 in reply to

It is normal to feel this way. I'm sure it was a tremendous shock like it was for me. Just hang in there

Thank you

Anytime we hear the word cancer it hits pretty hard. I think my mom took it worse. I worry more now about it coming back then I did when I was first diagnosed. Best wishes to you.

Hyro profile image

Hi KatRey. It is most definitely is not stupid. I am 57 and had the same diagnosis as you. It was quite a shock. Came out of nowhere. I also had to go back for a biopsy. I was behind due to Covid and my cancer had spread. So I had a mastectomy of the right breast. Was not In Lymph nodes so no chemo. I was devastated at first. I am 7 month past surgery and have an expander. It does get easier and I focus on the positives. Overall I cannot complain about the process. This group has been great in helping talk to others who are going through the same process. I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. You got this!!!

Thank you for your kind words, I have been very fortunate that I was diagnosed on the 21st March, and my surgery is due to go ahead on the 20th April. Hope you continue to make good progress xx

chellmom profile image

Hi KatRey, you are most definitely NOT stupid to have reacted the way you did …or any way for that matter! I was diagnosed on March 10 (invasive lobular) and with no family history was in shock. Because of additional biopsies I’m just having surgery (lumpectomy) this Monday, April 18, two days before you. Maybe we can check in on each other! Sending you all the best for a successful procedure on Wednesday! 💪

in reply to chellmom

Hi chellmom, thank you for kind words, you seem to have a very positive outlook, which I think helps so much, now I have managed to get my head around the word ‘cancer’, I am feeling much calmer, I’m not sure I will feel this way on Wednesday, but once the surgery is over I will be fine.It would be good to check up on each other, good luck with your surgery on Monday, and let me know how you are getting on.

Take care

chellmom profile image
chellmom in reply to

Thanks! WE can do this!!

chellmom profile image

Hi KatRey, I’m thinking about you today and hoping you have a smooth and successful procedure! Mine went well on Monday and I’m feeling better than I thought I would. I’m looking forward to taking off the dressings today and showering…a little nervous about what things will look like underneath! Tomorrow’s another big day - getting the results of the biopsies of the tumor and nodes!

Check in when you’re feeling up to it. 💕

in reply to chellmom

Hi Chellmom, so pleased your surgery went well on Monday, and I’ll be thinking of you today when you get your results. I got home yesterday afternoon and everything seemed to have gone well, the pain is worse than I thought, but my medication helps a lot. My dressings stay on for 7 days, and then it will be a further 7 days for my results, so things are done differently in the UK. I am also nervous about the dressings coming off, but relieved that the journey to recovery has begun.

Take care and let me know how you get on.

Best wishes

Kath xx

chellmom profile image
chellmom in reply to

Hi Kath,I looked back in the messages realizing that I didn’t see whether you’d had a lumpectomy or mastectomy?? Dressings on for 7 days and pain makes me think mastectomy. I do hope you’re feeling a little better today.

I finally got my biopsy results last night in a 9pm call from my surgeon…all good news! Margins are clear, no cancer in the nodes! She did have to take 9 nodes, so that might mean risk of lymphedema, but I’m not complaining! I’ll meet with my surgeon Monday for a post-op visit and to discuss next steps (probably radiation and anti-hormone treatment.) I’m also getting a compression sleeve Monday - I’ll be flying to see my son graduate with his master’s degree in a week and a half .

Let me know how you’re getting on.

xo Michelle 💕

in reply to chellmom

Hi Michelle I had a lumpectomy, but the pain has eased today, I think it’s standard procedure to keep the dressing on for 7 days with my hospital.

So pleased that the margins were clear for you that’s fantastic news, and great that you can fly to see your sons graduation, you must be so proud.

I’ll get my results the day before we go on our family holiday to Spain, so no matter what I am going to enjoy it, 9 of us are going, our sons, their wives and our 3 grandchildren, it’s my goal to be as well as possible.

Take care and keep in touch

Kath x

chellmom profile image
chellmom in reply to

Hi Kath,

So glad to hear your pain has eased! Your comments and your perspective about your family vacation are really at the core of this journey…being present as best we can and focusing on what’s most important. Not always easy, but the best way through it!

Best wishes for continued healing and a wonderful vacation…regardless of the (hopefully favorable!) results! Let me know when you get your news.

Take good care,


in reply to chellmom

Hi Michelle I hope your meeting with your surgeon went well on Monday and that you now have a treatment plan in place.

My dressings were removed yesterday and the scar is better than expected, very close to my nipple so it should fade well when fully healed.

I see my surgeon next Thursday for my results, only a few hours before we leave for our holiday, so I intend to have a good time regardless of the results.

Hope your keeping well.

Take care

Kath x

chellmom profile image

Hi Kath,

I'm glad other that your scar looks better than expected! I haven't actually seen mine yet since the steri strips are still on. The incision was at the upper outer region so probably won't be terribly visible. I'm very pleasantly surprised at how quickly I seem to be healing, at east on the outside. What looked like a war zone under my armpit a week ago now is just a little swollen and yellow.

My meeting with the surgeon went well - she checked my incision, drained some fluid (which she said was normal) reviewed all the pathology reports and reviewed next steps. She confirmed my stage as 1A, so that didn't change since the surgery and biopsy. I'm still waiting for the results of the Oncotype test, which will indicate the likelihood of the cancer recurring and whether chemo would be helpful. Do they do that test in the UK? Those results should be in by next week and I'll be meeting with the medical oncologist and radiation oncologist when I get back from my trip to Colorado to see my son graduate with his masters. It wasn't certain I'd be able to go until we decided on lumpectomy vs. mastectomy, so I'm pretty excited!

Keeping my fingers crossed for YOUR biopsy results!

Take good care,


in reply to chellmom

Hi Michelle It’s good to hear that your armpit wounds are healing well, and you can travel to see your sons graduation.

I get all my results on Thursday, I’m not sure if that includes the oncotype test.

I still have the steri strips in place, but my nurse asked if I wanted to see the wound and passed me a mirror, so that did put my mind at rest.

Please let me know how everything goes.

Enjoy seeing your son and I will let you know how I get on next week.

Take care

Kath x

chellmom profile image
chellmom in reply to

Hi Kath,After getting drained on Monday during my post-op visit I had to return to the hospital on Friday for an ultrasound-guided drain as more fluid had built up (seroma) and it was very uncomfortable. Hopefully things will going in the right direction during my time away.

And while I haven't talked to the doctor yet, I saw the latest (and hopefully last for a while!) test results on my patient portal Friday night - Oncotype showed a 4% chance of cancer recurring and a score of 13 for chemo to be of benefit - 25 or more and chemo is a probably recommendation. So it looks like no chemo for me and on to radiation! Will be meeting with the medical and radiation oncologists on May 16 for the full treatment plans discussion.

Still sending you all the best wishes for favorable biopsy result on Thursday AND a wonderful vacation!

xo Michelle

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