Hey guys my names a amir and I suffer from serve anxiety disorder
Anxiety : Hey guys my names a amir and... - Sensitive Issues ...

Hey Amir, I'm in the Depression and Anxiety group on here as well. It truly has a lot of help from many dealing. Meditation, mindfulness, and deep breathing techniques help a ton. You may even want to visit your doctor to see if medication or other options help. That said, the best thing you can do is see a therapist and work on coping and cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT). It helps to not resist anxiety but allow it to come and pass depending on what makes you severely anxious. Just a tad bit of info....there's a lot out there in terms of what helps. I love acupuncture myself for my anxiety. Best of luck.

How do I join that group ?
Here's the link to the website, just click "Follow" and you'll be set:
I'd also say see a doctor about this because occasionally there are things like thyroid issues that can cause anxiety. If you already have and they aren't the issue, this HealthUnlocked page has tons of resources of people going through the same stuff...anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. It's been helpful on there.
Hi Amir talking about it is a good start.
Take one day at a time and remember things are probably not as bad as you think.
Good luck