No such group on healthunlock so I thought to ask here as ppl search all groups. Gangalion cyst, any happy ending story? I have it 1.5 y, had all possible treatments (I thought all of them) except the surgery as people lose the nails as a complication of it and have to cope with something else instead.
gangalion cyst: No such group on... - Restless Legs Syn...
gangalion cyst

I've had two. The one on my wrist disappeared within a year. The one on my foot is stil there 6 years later. It has shrunk though.
you r lucky, mine is hurting and I have to open it ever 2-3 days to relieve pressure. a 1.5 y latter. grr
I applied warm compresses often and that did help.
yeap, lucky you, I've done it all sucker still there. Best is the bible treatment, so painful works for a few weeks but all is back.
maybe opening it is whats causing more problems than its solving.
good question, I did try not to open to drain and just leave it as is ,the bump on the skin gets red, swollen, big and a lot of pain, I tried all, eventually had to relief the pressure and drain the fluid. Better to do it so frequently less pain. Pain is the gage. I noticed a couple of time it goes away for a few weeks but never failed not to come back after.
Mine comes back every 3-6 month, but hitting it with a heavy textbook works. Last time I had trouble finding the right book, but now that I have, I'm going to try whacking it every week or so to see if it finally just disappears.
I had one on my wrist for years then it just disappeared. Heard about the heavy book bashing but never brave to try it.
I had one on my wrist and had to wear a brace and be diligent about it for 5 months. It went away. Came back two years later and had to repeat the process. Was terribly painful.