I’ve now been on Pregabalin for some time, every six weeks or so having to increase the dosage, I’m now on 450mg my doctor says this is the maximum
I split the dose 250mg approx 7pm then 200mg 9.30pm I’ve only been taking this dose a couple of weeks but already I can feel my restless legs coming on at 1am, I have to get up walk around let the dog out for about 10mins then go back to bed, I can get back to sleep most of the time.
Where do I go from here, I have another appointment in a week with my doctor, my neurologist gave the doctor a list of medications for me to try, I’ve now been through this list, my last appointment at the doctors they were talking about adding tramadol or co coda mol I don’t want to be dosed up anymore than I am, the Pregabalin is not without its side effects.