I went back to see Dr cooper and had the nerve induction test which showed that the nerves in both legs are weak. He is sending me to have some kind of therapy. I tried to question him but kinda got the run around saying we would discuss that at my next appointment which is in April. I feel like I am on my own. Vanderbilt is the only option I have and unfortunately even though I pretty sure my insurance would cover the medical bills but do not have the money or really the support I need so I’m guess when I go thru augmentation I’ll have to do it alone.
disappointed : I went back to see Dr... - Restless Legs Syn...

A lot of people on this forum have gone through getting off DAs alone. You can do it. I have faith in you.
I don’t think I’m that strong Sue. This is my worst fear, having to go through that. I suffered with it for years before ropinorole which I thought would last forever and now it’s gonna make it worse. I’m sorry I’m not in a good place right now.
Sure you are and you don't have much choice. Do you remember the instructions I gave you before? If not I can give them to you again. Also you can get kratom (be sure you get it from a legitimate source) or cannabis both of which are legal in Virginia to help. If you find the instructions I gave you are too much to reduce at one time you can get an inexpensive jewelry scale that measures down to .01 gram from Amazon for $11 and shave off a bit of the tablet and measure it. Then reduce by that amount every 2 weeks.
I’m not sure I am that strong so I went ahead and made an appointment at Vanderbilt for April the 15th. I may have to go alone but so be it. My insurance will cover the medical cost I will try to save the money and talk to my primary care doctor about working with Vanderbilt. Thank you so much for your encouragement !
I realize how scary it is to come off or medication that used to work. I got to use requip for a little over 10 years and during that 10 years I was going up here and there until I was at 8 mg and I was a little surprised that it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. I also used kratom to get thur some rough spots. Our brains can really make us feel weak but with this condition we are stronger than we think when we have to make that change. Please remember it won’t kill you even if it feels like it there is an end to it. For me, the key was I found the right specialist who sent me off with the right medication for me and I’ve been on a a medication for 2 1/2 years now. I got you in my prayers because I know that deep deep dark place very well.You are in my prayers and you can private message me anytime if you need someone to talk to day or night I don’t mind a bit you are not alone . 💜
The problem I am having is I can’t find anyone in my area or state for that matter who is willing to help especially with the medication.
I'm hoping you have some other medication to help the transition. I switched from 3 mg of ropinerol to 1800 mg gabapentin fairly quickly and had no withdrawal effect. From what I have read on this forum, I was lucky.