Does restiffic work?
Restific work? Willing to try anythi... - Restless Legs Syn...
Restific work? Willing to try anything, but at $200 I thought I’d ask first

Let me refer you to a post on reddit about this
If you have mild, occasional RLS it might help but it didn't help my severe, nightly RLS.
I have quite severe RLS and a couple of years ago I spent a lot of money to get them to Switzerland. I was desperate, of course. I tried them a couple of times but they didn’t help. They might help a bit for lighter symptoms or in combination with medication. What I find much more effective are those kind of foot reflex zone mats to walk on for maybe 5-10 minutes before sleep: (The website is in German but I just wanted to show you an example). They are also much cheaper.
If you put Restiffic in the Search box you'll find quite a few previous posts
PS: Restiffic was available on at one time, not currently. Average rating 2.8/5: 30% 5 star reviews, 16% 3 star, 28% 2 star, 26% 1 star....
I tried it a couple of years ago with no success.
It didn't help me, my RLS is severe and it happens nightly. If you have very mild one, it might help. I am sorry to spend so much on it.