Desperate query. Has anyone tried pregabalin & gabapentin together. I know - the 2 GABA meds together might cancel each other out. But I've had to stop gabapentin at 900 mg as ineffectual & pregabalin at 300 mg is failing to quell my PLMD. I'm reluctant to up the pregabalin because of potential unacceptable side effects, hence the query about a possible tandem of the two.
Pregabalin & Gabapentin together..?e - Restless Legs Syn...
Pregabalin & Gabapentin together..?e

As far as I know about the way both these medicines work, they both more or less act the same way and have more or less the same side effects.
I've never heard of anyone taking both at the same time. I can't imagine that they will cancel each other out, theoretically they should add to each other. Similarly the side effects will add up.
I can't see any advantage then to taking both at the same time, it would be more or less the same as just increasing the dose of one of them.
I believe that 900mg gabapentin is the minimum dose that may be effective, but also many people have to take more. Due to the inconsistent way in which gabapentin is absorbed increasing the dose above 1200mg offers little gain, so it's better to use pregabalin as it's more potent and more consistently absorbed.
I believe the effective range of dose for pregabalin is 150 to 400mg, but I appreciate your concerns about side effects with increasing dose.
I'm sorry to hear it's not helping with your PLMD. I'm afraid there may be no completely satisfactory solution. There are long term problems with taking muscle relaxants and I'm not sure if opiates would help.
It may be worthwhile you exploring all the non-pharmacolgical methods for relieving RLS/PLMD.

Thanks for the thoughts, which pretty much support my own. I've experienced no side effects with Gabapentin & I suppose my somewhat desperate notion was keeping the Pregabalin dosage low against an elevated dosage of Gabapentin. I guess I'm just going to have to jack up the Pregabalin to 350/400 & hope I don't swell up like a balloon or wander around like a zombie!
By any chance ,are you taking Magnesium in any form within 3 hours of those two medicines?
If you are, that would explain the lack of effectiveness.
No, my magnesium levels are fine.
Many people take Magnesium supplements as a means of calming rls, and to help with insomnia.
They often don't realise the blocking effect magnesium has on many medications.
And/or other antacids.
Remember Milk of Magnesia?
I wonder what a magnesium cow looks like 🤔
Gabapintin 300mg is a CAPSULE for healing nerves. Above this is Pills of 600 for RGT. The 300mg compliments. The 600 pill reaching 1200Mg is for use by itself. Which one are you on?
Merster here
I reluctantly tried gabapenton alongside my ropinerole except that I combine the requip with ms contin afternoons to keep the creepies away until bedtime and then I take the three together right before bed and sleep well for 2 or three hours. I find midnight and after is when the nerve pain starts and so I just combine the gabapentin and ms contin. Altogether I control my rls for 24 hours almost every day and feel good the whole time. A far cry from thinking about.suicide a few years ago. So requip in the day and gabba through the night and ms contin (slow release morphine) low dose each time I take the others.