Do this: squeeze your urethral sphincter hard (like you want to stop a uring flow), hold it, assess if you get a peculiarly annoying feeling that makes you release the tension. I noticed this as a child, as the "sensation" would emanate from the rectal-groin area downward. Thought it in some ways similar to sensations with RLS. Let me know .
Men Only! Expeiment: Do this: squeeze... - Restless Legs Syn...
Men Only! Expeiment

I've found RLS in my groin and legs to be relieved by urinating.
There are two urethral sphincters. The upper or bladder neck sphincter and the lower or prostatic.
Is that what you mean?
Whatever it is you're squeezing you may be pressing on a nerve.
I shouldn't ask, how did you discover this?

I think you've hit upon a nerve, literally! I imagine both sphincters are involved in this squeezing process. I found out at early age 10yrs perhaps. If many (all?) men experience such a sensation, then any Dr. who doesn't experience/know about the creepy-crawly RLS sensation, might get a glimmer with this, because I think the same nerve is involved, and it's 'unnerving' to voluntarily hold the sphincters up tight for very long.

Is that an alpha blocker?
Amusing, I don't see the connection between mint oil and overactive bladder.
Where do you put the 6 drops?
I don't know what your friends said but Google says peppermint oil as an essential oil can be used for urinary retention, which is, in effect is the opposite of Over Active Bladder OAB. In the case of urinary retention you use it as a vapour. For OAB the best oils (Google says) are Ylang ylang , Clary Sage and Pumpkin seed.
However, Google also says that peppermint oil can be used as part of a remedy for RLS as a massage rub or a cold compress.
But if you can bear drinking it, and it works, great stuff!
Mr Google is not always a friend
So, I feel that there is definitely something here. I suffer from restless abdomen and it is driving me nuts. I remember as a child, maybe 5 years of age where I would go to pee in the morning and I would get this insane tickling feeling in my stomach. I would still be sleepy but would literally run back to bed as quickly as possible because I needed to sleep and this feeling as I was peeing was so strong. This had happened multiple times. After that, the next time it really started again was around age 17. I visited multiple doctors, had few endoscopies, and they found nothing. They wanted to put me on Prozac and told me it was all in my mind. I told them that when something is psychosomatic, why would it wake you up? They had no answer. My Physician friend told me that this might be that I have multiple neurotransmitters firing in my abdomen at once causing this fluttering or restless feeling. He told me to try Tizanidine 3x - 4x per day. I haven’t tried it yet, but might do it. Does anyone realize that when you are doing something boring that it gets worse?