What is augmentation?
New to this...augmentation? - Restless Legs Syn...
New to this...augmentation?

You can go to the RLS-UK web site to read about it, or put augmentation into the search box at the top of the page and you will get TONS of information , since it is discussed every day here and in every RLS group. Real quick, "augmentation" in the context of RLS, only has to do with the dopamine meds. if you are on too high of a dose, they will backfire on you and your RLS will augment, or become worse. So, if you are not on dopamine meds, augmentation would not apply to you. That is why the recommended therapeutic dose of dopamine meds keeps getting lowered, because as people are on them longer and longer, years after they were approved, the side effects and the augmentation factor became clearer and clearer to the researchers and experts. But, do the search thing and you will find a ton of information.
or on the internet, just put in "augmentation in Restless Legs Syndrome" and a lot will pop up. A good web site to go to is the Johns Hopkins web site, look for the RLS Quality Care Center and watch Dr. Christopher Earley's video on that subject. He is one of the leading researchers in RLS in the US, but the info is universal.
This is a copy of Pippins previous post.
"Lots of new members, welcome to the group!
Augmentation is something that comes up every day on RLS groups so to save me repeating myself over and over I am putting up this post for information
Augmentation is something that can happen when you are taking one of the Dopamine Agonists meds eg Mirapexin(Pramipexole, Mirapex, Sifrol ),Requip ( Ropinerole ) and Neupro patch.
Symptoms of augmentation are needing to up your dose of medication, it helps for a while then symptoms come back so you need to up the dose again
Symptoms start earlier in the day
Symptoms start after shorter periods of rest and relaxation
Symptoms spreading into other body parts most commonly the arms
Med not working so well at night
Basically your symptoms are worse than when you first started taking the Dopamine Agonists
The Neupro patch has the lowest rate of augmentation of all the Dopamine Agonists.
Due to the problem of augmentation the experts are now advising patients to keep the dose very low, no more than 2 mg daily for Requip ( Ropinerole ) or 2x 0.088mg of Mirapex ( Pramipexole ) and no higher than 3mg Neupro patch
If you think you have augmentation do not just stoptaking the medication. You need to wean off very slowly under doctors supervision and will most likely need a back up med to help as withdrawals can cause very severe RLS symptoms.
Unfortunately many doctors are not aware of augmentation and keep increasing the dose which is the exact opposite of what needs to happen.
It may be helpful to say where you live as there are very few RLS experts especially in the UK and another member may be able to recommend a good Neurologist.
This is for general information. Always seek medical advice. rls-uk.org has excellent information including information about augmentation and a section for Professionals. It may be helpful to print it off Pippins2 x"
One med I didn't mention above is Carbidopa Levodopa which has the highest rate of augmentation and it therefore only recommended for occasional use x