RLS is so bad. ropinirole made me gain excessive weight, now taking Tramadol. Need sleep!!!! In addition to RLS I have bursitis in both hips and severe calf pain. I need help!!
RLS is killing me.: RLS is so bad... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS is killing me.

What does of tramadol are you on and when do you take it? You may need to increase the dose or take it at a different time. Sleep wise could you get a short course of sleeping tabs from your Dr to help
Hot baths and massaging the legs can help, (for me water needs to be very hot).

Raffs, Thanks for the info. I just got a prescription for 50mgm Tramadol. I have been taking 2 of the 37.5mg at night. I am 71yo and doctors do not seen to want to give sleep aids to older people.
Jeannie it is best to take the Tramadol before symptoms start so if they start at say 7 o'clock in the evening t would take 2 at 6 o'clock then 2 around 11 o'clock. A combination of meds very often works the best even if a med has failed by itself before. Maybe your doctor would add in Gabapentin or the Neupro patch? .....Pipps x
Yeah unfortunately as we get older the effects the drugs have change and Drs then tend to go light on prescribing the sedating drugs, (some can make the older individual excited and agitated as opposed to relaxed.
Still there is good advice on this thread and others on healthunlocked.
If you look at the treatment link on the left of the page below you may get some ideas for your next GP visit:
Good luck
Pippins2, Thanks I will try your suggestions. -----Jeannie
Good luck, treating RLS is all trial and error, we hve all been there, or are there right now where you are now. Besides my meds, I like hot baths, heating pads, also lay on my back on my bed, with my feet up against the wall, and push as hard as I can ( or as much as my back will allow :)) against the wall. Remembering to do deep breathing while I am at it. Brings the blood pressure down, too.