.My husband has for about two and a half weeks has been feeling that way every night before he goes to sleep. It's not normal for me. So just wondering what he can do about that situation. Is there something that can be prescribed from a doctor?.
Hi, I was curious to find out if anyo... - Restless Legs Syn...
Hi, I was curious to find out if anyone has experienced RSL but your whole body?

Hi niocole01, Yes I get it in my arms and chest as well as my legs. Not all the time I might add. I am on Neupro patches which at present are working for me.
Yup sure have, it started in my right leg and over the years it has begun to effect nearly all my body, not all the time and its more common in my arms and shoulders.
Bob M
Hi Niocole01 ,
I do sometimes get the feelings in my arms as well as my legs and when the feelings in my legs are strong it seems to affect more of my body. But I'd say go and see your doctor as it could be several things. At least your doctor could point you in the right direction for tests to see if there are any other problems that could be causing the sensations. Any doctor worth his/her salt should rule out all other possible explanations before assuming that it's RLS.
I was eventually referred to a neurologist who put me on Pramipexele. I was on Ropinirole, but they didn't work for the whole night. I've only just started taking them so I'll see how long the tablets work before their effect starts to weaken.
Just to clarify, are you asking about restless leg syndrome?
yes both my arms and legs read that lavender oil so use it it helps sometimes xxx
To tell you the truth, your RLS doesn't sound like RLS. RLS feels like tremors or crawling feeling. I do have it all over at times and it causes me to have insomnia. I used to take two ibuprofen when I got it and it took the symptoms away. I do go through periods of remission. Your symptoms sound more like a nerve issue. The same remedy will work on the tingling, burning and itching as well. Do these symptoms accompany sore or painful muscles? Its possible you have fibromyalgia, an affliction I also have.