A new alternative therapy - thoughts people please
Ice Bucket: A new alternative therapy... - Ramsays Disease
Ice Bucket
Unbelievable standards of journalism
Galway sea water that simple
"Emily called herself an ‘idiot’ on Twitter" enough said for me a poorly researched story about a self confessed idiot.
I read the Daily Mail at my own risk. I confess I hesitated before clicking on the link.
Hey ho.
Ian taped it perfectly.
As the others have said, Bagend...and curious what you think yourself?
I'd simply add, its so easy to be tempted by the siren call of a miracle cure...whilst recognising spontaneous remissions can and do happen with different diseases...and in extraordinary circumstances so with Ramsay's I guess a possibility as much as any other..
I for one yearn for the sea, and at present barely get to the kitchen...and if I attempt with enthusiasm to enjoy a shower, 3 days pem follows...so I think the severity in this case couldn't have been so much...
Storm in a tea cup Daily Mail attract attention using fantasy over fact.
I have nothing left after being each day for this.
agree with all of you. Disgusted that this is what the public are reading and it forms their opinions.
Example--my carer talking about how we shouldn't give benefits to people with lots of children. She bases her prejudices on an article she read in a newspaper about a woman with 8 children and no job getting over 20,000 a year. I said, "If she has 8 children, she has a job!" Her reply, "She is only having all those children to get more money in benefits." My reply, "How would you know what her reasons are for having a lot of children? Do you want to have the government require sterilisation for anyone having more than a set number of children who cannot get a job paying enough money to support them all?"
She told me the other day that only children from middle class families benefit from the government's child allowance benefit. She said I am naive to think that we should give child benefit to low income families, because the children don't benefit from that money. "People who get child allowance just use the money to buy alcohol and cigarettes." I said that I thought taking away money from families who can't earn enough to feed their children is unconscionable, and this is not a solution. If the government wants to limit the kinds of things that can be purchased with that money, they can make a different programme for that.
This journalism is forming our prejudices about huge groups of people. With no statistics and a few sensationalist stories, the culture divides into sides like school children antagonising one another and calling each other names. I am so saddened by it all. I can only point out that she is basing her idea on a few individuals. I asked her when she says 'most' or 'a lot' whether she means 30%, 50%, 90%??? Does she know any statistics about this? She stopped talking about it at that point. I try not to be confrontational or rude, but this is what people are doing when they don't think clearly.
PWME and Fibromyalgia and other complex illnesses have had more than our share of poking and prodding and labelling and name calling with absolutely no basis behind it all.