This is the third time i have given up smokon... - Quit Support

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This is the third time i have given up smokong and each time ive had a Different withdrawal why is this ? Really depressed this time !!!

3 Replies
3 Replies
EmJay profile image

Hi Missbridgetjones, there s nothing unusual about feeling this way. It's just theosedemon little cravings really throwing everything they have at you to try and keep you from giving up smoking. It just goes to show how addictive smoking can be!

Have you had a look through your last question and read through some of the comments others have left you in there? I've also popped up a couple of links that might help you out too :-)

Having already given up 3 times, you are steps closer to staying quit forever... It's only a matter of time. The one thing that you really have to recognise is, is that these feelings will pass whether you smoke or not...

If you decide that 'this is it' and you are gong to stay off those little White sticks, then these feelings will become less intense the more you overcome them :-)

If you feel that you are a lot more depressed than usual, then it may be worth popping along to your Doctor and explaining how you feel.

Stopping smoking can bring up all kinds of feelings, the main thing is to really work hard at trying to remain positive.

Please have a good nosie around our archives, blogs, questions and through our daily chats and you will see how others have also come through the other side.

Big positive vibes being sent to you :-)

in reply to EmJay

Thankyou for all your advice it is helping ! It just seems more intense this time !! Before I just ate all the time and previous to that I went off of certain foods !! This time I don't seem to be hungry as much but I do seem to be more irritable and don't sleep as well and been crying alot mostly in the evenings ! I will continue to read your blogs and read others stories thanks again

sue52 profile image

Hi missbridgetjones i hope things are a bit better for you now, i know how hard it can be, i used to literally scream at the top of my voice, sometimes in a park, used to scare some dogs lol, but it did help me, this will get better for you just stay strong you will get there, when you feel ready you should join us on the daily chat, you'll get great support and a good laugh as well, there a great bunch of people, stay positive, you can beat this, will talk soon Susan :)