Please select all that apply:

Said on previous occasions that I need and want to stop smoking but I am pathetic as I always find some excuse. I was referred to the hospital about an ulcer under my tongue which I have had for over a year. It just wouldn't respond to any treatment. So I saw the nurse practitioner at the surgery and she referred me onto the oral health department at the hospital. The ,doctor looked under my tongue and said I needed to have a biopsy. Well I had that done and am awaiting the results which I get this week. I will stop smoking when 8 get the results. You see I've now given another excuse for continuing to smoke. I am just a total failure. However I though I would vote anyway and it was an excellent question you put to the community.
Hi Qr8 just come on here anytime. I hope the biopsy goes ok. May be a good time to stop smoking not another excuse. We know what its like so just take your time and we can help you when your ready. 😊
HI jillygirl you are lovely to keep supporting me. I was afraid you would all be sick of me by now with my starting/stopping regime that I am powerless to just quit. Thank you so much. I will of course let you all know how my appointment goes and what the results are.

I’ve stopped for ages, then started again. I've now been quit again for 4 months. My husband & daughter (who lives with me) both smoke. My husband is very discreet but my daughter who has BPD, is not so accommodating. Living with smokers is hard. I haven't contributed to the group for a long time, as I am so ashamed. I'm now 77 and wonder if I'll ever be able to quit permanently.
Hi G410, Please dont be ashamed people dont realise how hard it is to quit smoking. Its a hard addiction to break. Keep popping on to our forum we can help you stay on track. I will put your badge to 4 Months. 😊💕✖✖