What nicotine replacement did or are you usi... - Quit Support
What nicotine replacement did or are you using .to help you with your quit journey?
Please select all that apply:

When I gave up smoking after 50 years I just stopped best day ever

I went cold turkey 03/12/2021 as I found out I have multiple brain aneurysms, wish I had stopped years ago

Cold turkey and it will be three years on 26th June.
I want to be you - but I’m useless.
I think you have a low opinion of yourself Vvvfu, You are not useless. You wouldnt be on this forum if you were useless. Start thinking about how clever you are, ok you slip up with your quit , but your not useless or you wouldnt be here , trying to solve your problem. You can do this, We have had members who have taken a couple of years to quit but they get there in the end. 😊✖✖
Just started the battle today…with support of local councils stop smoking group who phone me weekly n prescribe me the replacement therapy. Fingers crossed this works n sticks this time!

Sounds like you have this covered!! Save your money and prepare a treat for your self after the 1st month….. it will give you something to look forward to x