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I’ve quit during Covid. I’m at two months now. Before I quit I was smoking more because I’ve been isolating and working from home. But in my opinion this was the best time for me to quit because I’m at home and my routines are changed from normal.
Hi Jillygirl - As someone considered to be ‘Clinically Extremely Vulnerable’ I have been shielding for the majority of the pandemic. I gave up on October 16th, 2020 for 10 moths until my recent lapse. I’m sure I would’ve smoked more heavily during that time if I’d not quit before the first lockdown!
Before we’d heard of Covid, lockdowns, furloughs and all those things that are normal everyday words now, a colleague came to work with a cough, then she took a few days off then she came back still coughing, then I started to cough but hey….my excuse…. I’m nearly 64 and i smoke and i weigh more than i used to, i had a week booked off work as is usual around my birthday, on Sunday I ran 6k… slowly coughing and wheezing, Monday felt like I had a cold and couldn’t taste a thing, Monday evening slept and Willow covered me with a soft blanket and left me to it, woke in the middle of the night, running a fever, coughing, made a cup of tea, lot a cigarette, couldn’t inhale, cried, got my vape put same result, drew it into my mouth and couldn’t inhale, was panting in short gasps, opened all the windows couldn’t get enough air, Willow got me to doctors for 11am. I expected a puffer and the smoking lecture but before i knew it i had oxygen mask and ambulance on way….. In hospital i was isolated query flu, mention of a new flu coming out of China but they had no test for it yet, I vowed once i could breathe without oxygen that i would never put anything in my lungs again apart from air and i never have
That must have been terrifying Sola. Thank goodness you recovered . xx
It was the strangest thing ever, i was lucky there was an appointment at doctors, we just didn’t know what was going on, the doctor took one look at me got the oxygen and called the ambulance, I was only in hospital 24 hours but it was 3 weeks before i ran again and it was so slow
You are amazing Sola. how quick you have recovered. 💕💪🙂