I haven't heard of it
Hi Flossie, its lovely to see you your actually on Quit Support now
you joined us in 2015 to quit smoking
When you joined us back then, can you remember how you found us ?
Thanks for email and I remember now. I have COPD and at the time just thought enough is enough and gave up.......BUT even now when stressed I really feel like a ciggies which surprises me. Thanks and all the luck in what you do and who you help xx
Well believe it or not I'm still not smoking and drink my lovely Vodka rarely - miss it more than ciggies but please don't ever mention chocolate or I will have to go to my secret stash. I give it away like it water but still have loads left - I think it multiplies!!!!!

I want to thank you and all at Quit Support for all the tips, positivity and help I have silently ,gratefully appreciated over the years. I’m six and a half years down the line & it’s the best thing I have ever done. Still miss having a smoke very occasionally but, I check in and support is always on hand. Many, many thanks ☺️

Hi jilly Im back ! I haven’t smoke for 4 years and I love it ! Im never will go back to cigarettes ! Im so happy ! Btw I I wanted to ask you , maybe you know I was away from health unlocked for 2 years I dont see my old messages and replies .even though its the same user name . ? I dint find my profile either .Thank you jily Its a pleasure seeing you all again😘
Hi Karina, 4 years is fantastic. Its lovely to hear from you again. I think HU dont send emails out to members who are not currently using the site. I dont know how they actually work it out.We have a record of all our members, so you will be with us anytime. You joined us on Wednesday 28th June 2017.
Congratulations! 💕😊🌻✖✖✖✖✖👏👏👏👏👏👏

I was on google trying to search about quitting smoking and anxiety and a public post by someone came up which then brought me to the site and I joined and never looked back! Almost 2 and a half years later. I occasionally still check in from time to time. Thankful for you all. ❤️