What if any nicotine replacement helped you ... - Quit Support
What if any nicotine replacement helped you quit smoking?

Plus this site.
Nice one 👍🌝
Well said👍👏👏
All true 😍. No one should underestimate the power of this website, the admin and members. When I did think about returning to smoking I used to think how I’d be letting you lot down as well as myself. It was mainly your belief in me that kept me going.
Anyway enough of this mush, I’m about to tuck in to toast with homemade coronation chicken. Delicious 🤣🤣🤣
Oooh coronation chicken!!! Can I have your recipe please 👏👏
2 cooked chicken breasts (minus skin) shredded or finely chopped - 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise - 3 rounded teaspoons of medium curry powder - 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon - 2 tablespoons of mango chutney - approx 3 tablespoons of sultanas.
Mix together and enjoy xxx
I’ve tried patches, gum, e-cigs and ended up smoking more as a result. Champix was the only thing that worked for me, had some horrible side effects (nose bleeds being one of them) so didn’t end up completing the full course but have now been smoke-free for almost 3 years (still miss it though!)

Ecig never smoked since 2 yrs

Chantix was vital to my quit, but it's not nicotine replacement.
I tried almost all of them but eventually managed cold turkey with the help of this site.
I'm. On cold turkey now 12 day after trying all of them
I found patches and inhalator to be ok but inhalator and vape kept me too much on the hand to mouth habit so trying this way and so far manageable

None of the options applied for me. I woke up on Saturday 11th February 2017 and just gave up after 50 years of smoking. I have never missed it. The heart attack I had on the 12th did help

No nicotine replacement! I didn't know how to get or use them. Just the power of this community! I always felt I had one of the lovely Admin team on my shoulder! I got incredibly stuck around the 4 month point and had lots of help!!
Non will power is the only way trust me...

I tried almost every one of them over several years. None worked. Finally managed to quit cold turkey five years ago after reading book The Easy Way.

The mouth spray has been amazing for me , it’s the only thing that I’ve used through the years that has kept me quit. Everything else I’ve tried In the past I ended up starting again, but not so with the spray, I’m loving being an ex smoker xx
I used a plastic cigarette which unscrewed in half to allow the insertion of a nicotine plug. I actually did not use the plugs but simply chewed on the plastic cigarette for months.