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jillygirl profile imagejillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee180 Voters

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47 Replies
shantimar profile image

When my sister was diagnosed with cancer I decided it was time to quit. Took me a while but I did it.


Eulipious profile image
Eulipious6 Weeks Winner

After smoking a pipe for 20 years and, before I gave that up, 30cigarettes a day for 35 years I got tired of the expense and the mess of cleaning, refilling and smoking a pipe seeing the burnt tobacco in the ashtray and the sost of about £44 per month. The cost was probably secondary to the mess and the stained walls and smell.

mrssunnyside profile image

I lost my mother to Lung cancer 16 years ago, my sister and brother in-law quit within 12 months of her death, but it took me many years to eventually quit, it has been nearly 3 years since I smoked, and I'm so happy and proud I eventually succeeded. xx

katycan profile image

The prospect of a 24hr flight & 3 weeks of hotel living helped me. I didn't want to waste precious holiday time wondering when I could have my next cigarette, so I started six months ahead. Well worth it.

VegasGal profile image

The two main reasons I've given up, is I'm smoking the equivalent of my holiday's to the USA each year, and also have gotten fed up with the hacking cough I had. I'm only 3 weeks in but the cough has gone already. I've also added £150 to my holiday fund. 🤗🤗🤗

MrsMuddle profile image
MrsMuddle14 Month Winner

Had my last cigarette at precisely 8.30am on November 2nd 2015. I was about to move to my new home after losing my husband to Pancreatic Cancer Oct 2013. He was a heavy smoker & I too was at that time a moderate smoker which escalated after his death ~ I was on at least 2 a day & spending money I could ill afford. I'm jazz singer & was having problems with my voice. I just decided that morning in November that I wanted to be healthy & didn't want to move to my lovely new home as a smoker! Many people thought I would soon start again, but I haven't and have no inclination to do so. I can't stand being near anyone who has had a cigarette & realise how awful it must have been for my non-smoking friends & Family to be close to me.

Fed up being a social pariah

beardy_chris profile image

I was in hospital with Atrial Fibrillation (a heart arrhythmia) and the A&E consultant looked me in the eye and said "Not one more cigarette" which was a powerful motivation. Mind you, he probably said that to all his patients! :)

Parvati profile image

I stopped the day I was diagnosed with severe COPD - that was 9 years ago at age 53 and since that day I have been on oxygen.

I got pneumonia back in Dec 2015, never been so scared in my life as I was in the ambulance that morning. When you can't breath it certainly makes you think what the hell am I doing this for. It still took me 2 attempts prior to this one to finally quit but I can now safely say I have and I will never go back 😄

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

I stopped smoking in November 2013. Feel much fitter, healthier - and richer! I've saved a whopping £11,100 so far. Unbelievable. Sadly my partner, a life-long smoker, has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer which started in the lung and had already spread widely to other organs before it was diagnosed.

shantimar profile image
shantimar in reply to Finley2012

So sorry to hear that Finley, make everyday special. My thoughts are with you and your partner ❤️


Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to shantimar

Thanks Shantimar. We're getting married on Wednesday - yikes, only 3 more sleeps to go! xx

shantimar profile image
shantimar in reply to Finley2012

I'm so happy for you enjoy your day and I'm sure it'll be wonderful 🍾🍾💒


Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to shantimar

Thanks Shantimar - really looking forward to it. It's been a bit of a rushed job as we wanted to have the wedding after radiotherapy but before chemo - cos OH may not be feeling that well once the chemo starts. The Registrar was so helpful and got us a dispensation to do away with the usual 28 days' notice before marriage. So.....it's all been planned (including buying outfits and booking somewhere for a reception meal) in just over 2 weeks. Not bad going eh? All that cash I've saved from not smoking has come in extremely handy, I can tell you :o)

shantimar profile image
shantimar in reply to Finley2012

That's great and wow for using your cigarette money just shows ya, look how much we wasted, should have just smoked our money instead 😜

Have a fantastic day in Wednesday be thinking of you. 💒


Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to shantimar

Thanks Shantimar :)

shantimar profile image
shantimar in reply to Finley2012

Hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow and the sun shines brightly

Good luck and congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Finley2012

Hi ya Finley, its lovely to see you again :) :) and WOWWWW, look at the flippin money you have saved :) thats just awesome :) :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your partner :( :( Finley, if it would help, then you come on here and let it out :) come tell us what your going through :o come and rant and rave :)

Finley, I have learnt one thing in my life and that is that a trouble shared is a trouble halved :) so you come a flippin shouting if ya want to, OK :) :)

Take care now :) :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to monky

Thanks Monky - lovely to see you too xxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Finley2012

You stay strong now :) :) and just remember were here for you if ya need us :) :) and flippin HAYYYYYY sooo ya getting married on Wednesday then, that is just flippin ACE :) :) :)

Ermmm, where's my invite then :o hmmm, suspect its got lost in the post eh :D :D

I am wishing you and your partner a lovely Wedding day on Wednesday and a very HAPPY one tooooo :) :) just if I cant make it see :o HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you :) :) xxxxxx

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to monky

Thanks Monky - don't know how to post smileys and that, but I am smiling :o)

We've planned the wedding, reception etc in about 2 weeks flat, to fit in with radiotherapy and chemotherapy etc - and we're having everything exactly the way we want it - so looking forward to it xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Finley2012

Finley, I now know that your a Lady, cos no man nor monky could organise a wedding in 2 weeks :o

I take my hat off to you :) I really doo :) :) and I want some pics see :) :) and if ya dont know how to add picks, then I will show you :) :) and as for the smileys, just hover your mouse pointer over them and you will see how they are made :) :)

OOOOOOO, I'm getting all excited for you now :o :D :D xxxxx

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to monky

Hi again. Monky - I don't know how to add pics, so would be grateful to be shown! I'm getting very excited about the wedding myself - only 2 more sleeps now :)

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to Finley2012

Ooooooh we do love a wedding on here Finley, wishing you both a wonderful day, sending lots of love your way❤️❤️👰xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Finley2012

Aup Finley, it will be my honour to show you how to add pics :) BUT, after your's & your partners BIG DAY eh :) :)

Now you stay strong, calm and collective cos ya only got 1 sleep now :o cos if ya dont, ya got me ta deal with seeeeee and I aint half gona slap the backs of ya legs for ya gal :o :D :D

Sending ya lots and lots of sweet dreaming, stay coooool, happy, joyful, loving huggs to help ya get a good nights sleep :) :)

Wishing you and your partner a lovely stressfree Wedding Day :) :) You ENJOYYYYYYYYYY Gal

See's ya soon :) :)

Leslexi profile image
Leslexi18 Months Winner

Just decided one morning that smoking was controlling my life, plus the mother in law who smoked 3 times more than me stunk, so does her house clothes and handbag !! Didn't want to get like that , can't stand to be around the stink now though, it's been tough at times but well worth it, am approaching 3 months x

sonses profile image

I stopped after my partner got a respiratory infection. He still coughs now and still smokes. when the cough is worst he passes out.

Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to sonses

Hopefully your partner will follow you in stopping. I was dx with COPD in 2006. And after many attempts I stopped 23 months ago. I am sure when your partner is ready he will stop too. Take care x

sonses profile image
sonses8YearsSmokefree in reply to Nottobad

Thanks nottobad, i hope so.

spanishtigress profile image

heart problems and copd. O2 treatment needed and told not available to smokers!

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to spanishtigress

Wow Spanistigress - what a wake-up call! Glad you've stopped and hope it helps with your health x

spanishtigress profile image
spanishtigress in reply to Finley2012

stopped oct 4th 2015, never been so ill since stopping. still at the extremely angry stage. cant seem to get past that. breathing 10 times worse, cough like I never did before, gained weight I really could've done without, clothes don't fit. retaining water now - live at altitude, heat this summer, no shoes to fit swollen feet, cant walk well due to breathing and sore legs, taking extra water pills and still no joy. life aint no picnic just now, that's for sure.

brexit hitting hard. exchange rate so low pension down almost a hundred euros a month. so many properties for sale, moving back to uk not an option just now either.

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to spanishtigress

spanishtigress - so sorry to hear how hard things are for you right now. Hopefully in the longer term, exchange rate will recover and you'll start feeling a bit better off? It must be horrible feeling so uncomfortable though and that's likely prolonging your 'angry stage'. Is your doctor any help?

spanishtigress profile image
spanishtigress in reply to Finley2012

I am having language problems between me and the dr. at the moment. I have just arranged for a translator to go with me tonight and see what, if anything we can do?

reading other peoples posts my problems are minor.

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to spanishtigress

I don't think your problems are minor, Tigress, and it sounds like a good plan to have a translator go along with you to the doctor. It's difficult enough trying to explain things when you both speak the same language, so it must be hellishly difficult when you don't. I hope you manage to get some real help and support xx

spanishtigress profile image
spanishtigress in reply to Finley2012

usually take a translator but not been getting the right points across. got a new one I used for hospital visit last month. she was so much better so fingers crossed eh?

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to spanishtigress

Fingers crossed here X hope all goes well

I quit because of family history of heart disease and stroke.. I want a healthy body to carry me into my future with less stress about my health😊

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

HI Finley , Lots of love being sent to you and your partner. I hope your partner copes ok with all the treatment. Good vibes being sent for your wedding day. :) xx

Suziequitting profile image
Suziequitting7 Weeks Winner

Spent too long smoking and decided now it's time to quit and improve my health.


Grandpa was diagnosed 2 weeks before he passed away. i always vowed (in my head) that when Grandpa died, I'd quit. I thought he had years ahead of him or I'd have never made the deal with myself! : ) God rest his soul. Trust him to go from lung and liver cancer just to really cement the deal and stop me in my tracks : ) life's too short, two kids to stick around for. So health and family were my reasons really. Plus, my dad got prostate cancer diagnosis when grandpa was in hospital. All too much of a wake up call. Well done to all you quitters! Better life ahead we hope ; )

ChrisG24 profile image

All of a sudden, I just quit. I don't know why but now I'm 5 months smoke-free. :)

Though I sometimes crave but I don't want to throw the hard work away.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to ChrisG24

Thanks Chris, why not pop on to our daily chat and we can assign you a badge.

5 months is fantastic. :) xx

parkyboii profile image

My aunt was diagnosed with cancer 4 months ago and it had me thinking a lot. I know ive left it late but its time for me to stop spending way too much money on prety much giving myself what my aunt has had the missfortune to get. Life is to precious you know?

Gravy18 profile image

I decided to finally quit because of a diagnosis of Barrats esophagus and other digestive disorders.

i started having some weird thing in my throat. After a while it became horrible and I could barely swallow so I quit. i still have a discomfort there but after visiting the doctor not too long ago, I found out I have some sort of nicotine allergy and I should simply stay away from it. This reason was stronger than the financial reasons. I'd be happy barely having money to spend and be healthy than having money and having to spend them on health.