What helps you get through the festive season. - Quit Support

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What helps you get through the festive season.

glolin profile imageglolinLONG TERM WINNER42 Voters
Trying to avoid being around smokers?
Avoiding alcohol?
Keeping yourself extra busy?
Asking for support from friends and family?
Having some gum spray etc on hand?
other - Please add your tips below to help other get through :)
Avoiding social gatherings where you can?
8 Replies
Jaysha profile image

Avoiding stressful situations

Popley2 profile image

Say to "THE WORLD" I do not smoke, I do not that (thank you), I'm going for a walk, do you want to come with me. I'm healthier eating. drinking, living etc OR just NO,

LilyMay73 profile image

I kept my for and against list close to hand so I could refer to it when cravings hit. I never avoided triggers as at some point I was going to have them (alcohol, parties, certain foods). I quit 3 weeks before my 40th birthday and after many a cheeky vodka on my big day I bleerily looked at my list to keep me going :) not for everyone but worked a treat for me

Primarily, my faith gets me through the trying times-- but moreover, enables me to appreciate others, be grateful for my circumstances, and CHOOSE to ENJOY the Holidays!

shantimar profile image

I don't really have any tips last Christmas was my first SmokeFree, it was also the first without my sister. I never really got into the Christmas thing and actually went back to work on Christmas Eve. In hindsight I may be should have voted avoided Christmas completely 😕


glolin profile image

Last year was my first as a non smoker, I was 6 months smoke free on Boxing day. What helped me was to keep reinforcing how proud i was of myself for quitting and staying quit. I was camping up the river for 2 weeks where 80% of the people were smokers It was a bit of a challenge..but i was determined that i was staying on my quit journey...Was the designated driver many times :D I just did what ever i could to avoid temptation

droopyJ profile image

I was with two smokers on xmas day..... I just made sure i ate soooo much that I was too stuffed to smoke.... Lol now I know why I put on soooo much weight😊😊

Dimples1336 profile image
Dimples13369 MONTH WINNER

I voted other because I am hard headed and when I want to accomplish something I just do it. There is no one that is going to get me to smoke again because my health is more important especially for my kids. It is better for them as well.