Side effects of quitting (comment on side eff... - Quit Support

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Side effects of quitting (comment on side effects not listed)

glolin profile imageglolinLONG TERM WINNER180 Voters

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91 Replies
jaglan profile image
jaglan22 Months Winner

It's the bloody crying that gets me!! How can I possibly make myself sad thinking poor old me never another fag??? Am I NUTS!!!!! I don't even want one but my brain begs to differ :-(((

in reply to jaglan

You're not' small in the chemical reaction of the brain

jaglan profile image
jaglan22 Months Winner in reply to

Can you get a lobotomy on nhs??

in reply to jaglan

Having recently retired from NHS - I would say just go and work there for a few years and that'll do the job πŸ˜†.

madametobacco49 profile image
madametobacco49 in reply to jaglan

think that's what we got smokin

letaparadise56 profile image
letaparadise56 in reply to jaglan

You will be okay jaglan....I promise with all of my heart and soul. The first damned months are the hardest. After you do not kill someone, it's all good ; )

willdo profile image
willdo in reply to letaparadise56

I already know who I'd be tempted to do in: so I need to work on that ahead of quit!!

wendywoo66 profile image
wendywoo66LONG TERM WINNER in reply to jaglan

OMG I am not alone :)

jaglan profile image
jaglan22 Months Winner in reply to wendywoo66

Wendy! Happy new year! Keep going... It DOES get better!!! I've had a good 3 months of doing things I would never have thought possible six months ago! That's probably because six months ago I was puffing away whilst thinking about things I might do ... But never did!! Your not alone! It's hateful and %#%^€>>% hard work! But the benefits by FAR out weigh the difficult mental trauma we all suffer to start with! One day at a time... You will find it gets easier. I used to read replies like mine!! Ha! You will be writing a reply like this soon :-))) fancy that? Going into a new year without your resolution being I'm gonna give up!!!! You already did and well done you!!!! Jan xx

wendywoo66 profile image
wendywoo66LONG TERM WINNER in reply to jaglan

Thanks Jan

I hope so. I've been painting tonight. I got loads done coz I didn't stop for a fag once!! :)

DavidH83 profile image

I also suffered from a lot of anger. I just wanted to break things and scream at people.

I slept reasonably OK, although I had disturbed sleep and very vivid dreams (some unpleasant). Since quitting I have seemed to need less sleep.

Note, most recently I quit from e-cig after using it for about 3 years.

in reply to DavidH83

Hi David

Bad temper is something people get but quite often don't even realise! Well done for getting off the ecigs

jaglan profile image
jaglan22 Months Winner in reply to DavidH83

Ah there's hope!!! 3 years! Well done you! I'm soooooo envious of you right now !

Anger is like a switch "CLICK" and I'm on one ! My poor kids :-( can't wait to be freeeee :-))

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to jaglan

its only temporary jaglan...since quitting smoking, i have a calmness that i never had as a smoker, its hard to explain, but i am loving it :) :) you will get there too, you are well on your way with week one done and dusted :) :)

DavidH83 profile image
DavidH833 YEAR WINNER in reply to jaglan

3 years just smoking e-cigs. I wasn't quit nicotine I was just "Smoking on my own terms".

I was getting nicotine and the "something in my hand" and related psychological kicks.

I'm now quit the e-cig since April time (can't remember the actual date).

EllaJ1968 profile image
EllaJ196814 Month Winner

It will pass! I used to get really short tempered and quite stroppy....but I held off from going out and buying cigarettes....I'm 5 months smoke free next week - and can tell you all the anger, depression, lack of sleep have all been worth it to be where I am today.

Keep on keeping on!

irritability , mood swings and then its the pangs the cigarette pangs when you smell one its like hunger pangs but it hits you in the chest and its like an ache

MMoo profile image

Anxiety, coughing and SOB were mine. Really glad I got though the worse.

My coughing took about a year, and I'm still dealing with anxiety, but much better than I was.

dalerw profile image
dalerw9 MONTH WINNER in reply to MMoo

I've been quit 38 days now and the coughing is driving me nuts,i smoked for 45 years and never coughed,now after everyone jumping on me wanting me to quit they think its gross when I cough up stuff,i can't win lol I'm about to go buy a pack

in reply to dalerw

Don't buy a pack. I'm on day 9. You're doing fantasticπŸŽ‰

droopyJ profile image

Breathing difficulties

Emotional.....anger, crying, lack of patience

Mild depression

Upset stomach

Bleeding gums

Really sensitive teeth

Lack of concentration (although that could be my age)

Really vivid dreams (more than usual)

Eating and craving anything sugary

Eating and craving anything fattening

Increase two dress sizes

Lack of motivation



Chest infections

Heart burn....

Well that's all today's symptoms..... let's see what tomorrow brings...πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to droopyJ

LMAO :D :D :D xx

letaparadise56 profile image
letaparadise56 in reply to droopyJ

You are so funny droopy. I love, love, love your take on life ciggie free!!!!!

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to letaparadise56

Hiya leta, how you diddling hun 😊😊 get you with the super shiny bita bling ......15 fandabtabulous months 😊😊😊

dalerw profile image
dalerw9 MONTH WINNER in reply to droopyJ

chest infections?

in reply to droopyJ

That about sums it up πŸ’ƒπŸΏ


This is funny..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to

Well it was your idea...... and a flipping FANTABULOUS one too.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

droopyJ profile image

Ahhh glolin now I get it.... when I looked on here earlier there was a load of posts from you but nothing on them.... now I see your got I ng buttons.... DOH... will add mine now πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

droopyJ profile image

Nope cancel that it's gone again...... don't know whether it's me or the site....😒😒😁

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to droopyJ

It is doing the same for me on iPad, haven't got laptop on to see if it working properly there on not. Monky can you check, then we know it's the site, but could have been my Se up too πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to glolin

Apologies but my spelling is atrocious...... flipping predictive text....

Ok now it just shows tiredness...... could be me or the site....😁😁😁😁 pretty sure it's not you coz you is stupendous 😁😁😁

Something has gone terribly wrong πŸ‘€

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to

Yet another side effect of not smoking rozi....... 😁😁😁😁

I was enjoying monitoring the results before they disappeared. I think Monky did it πŸ˜‹

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Rozi, what results :o :o

😦 it me because I can only see one choice on the poll (tiredness and fatigue) all the rest have disappeared.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Rozi, am sure its not you gal soooo, dont you worry :) :)

Am just looking into it now, perhaps them flippin gremlins have been at work again :o

in reply to monky

Hiya Monky, I'm off to bed so will say goodnight to you and glolin. Speak soon.

jaglan profile image
jaglan22 Months Winner

i can only see tiredness and fatigue too??? some kind of gremlin or we are just tired and fatigued!!!

add bleeding gums to the list!! mine just erupted .... end of day 9 :-((( I'm sure the benefits will show themselves soon PLEASE!!!!!!!

in reply to jaglan

Bleedin' gums......that takes me back

I do have some advice about bleeding gums. Buy a soft toothbrush and make sure you floss and use interdental brushes. Ignore the bleeding but be gentle. Get yourself round to your dentist and get your hygienist to do their stuff. Your gums are all nice and growing new skin 'coz you're not smoking. Your teeth will become much whiter. Great innit?

jaglan profile image
jaglan22 Months Winner in reply to

That's the first smile of the day! Well done u! New neural pathway created... Bleeding gums =SMILE!

Soft toothbrush it is x

daicha profile image

Even after 18 months I STILL crave - especially when I can smell it somewhere. I love the smell (when it's fresh) but I will never go back to being a slave to the habit. I hated the hanging out and I was really not getting anything out of it. It's crazy to grieve for a filthy, stinky millstone. Worst thing is I regained the 20 kilos I'd lost the year before.

Boydyk profile image
Boydyk3 Weeks Winner

I quit 3 weeks ago. I get palpitations which I've had before I quit. Had ecg and blood tests, all results were normally. I sometimes get little niggling pains that move around between my back, stomach and chest. Seen doctor who says it's because I've stopped smoking and it will pass. Just wondered if anyone else experienced this.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

When I first quit I was tearful. and agitated.

Lottie24 profile image

It gets better as time goes on

buttons_37 profile image
buttons_37Badge pending2 YEAR WINNER

yep. Weight gain is the worst really but also my blood pressure went up but it might not be because of quitting but for other reasons.

I believe I will never smoke again though - I do sometimes think about it but I am too afraid to because of the damage I think I was doing to my body and also it is exhausting being addicted to smoking and always thinking of your next fix. And it made my panic attacks worse because of nicotene withdrawal I believe when I did smoke.

I used a nicorette inhalator - I am glad i didn't vape - because I think I could have become addicted to vaping whereas now I don't even need a nicotene substitute or want one - and it would make me feel sick if I did use nicotene inhalator now.

My nicorette inhalator was on prescription and I think I couldn't have coped without it to begin with.

buttons_37 profile image
buttons_37Badge pending2 YEAR WINNER in reply to buttons_37

and incidentally - there are so many programmes such as dramas on television where the characters smoke - that definitely is a trigger and makes me long for a cigarette - but I just let that feeling pass and maybe have a cup of tea.

Best wishes to everyone out there who are quitting or looking for inspiration to quit.

Bytheway - i thought I would have a nervous breakdown when I quit for good - but I didn't! I used to hang on to my nicorette inhalator as if it was a dummy for a few months but eventually I realised I didn't even need that anymore.

I truly believe that the skin on my face looks better and healthier than it used to do when I smoked as well.

I finally quit on March 1st 2014 after a few months of cutting down. The only way to quit I found was to have NO Cigarettes OR tobacco in my house anymore - not even for "an emergency". Because obviously it is too tempting!

Thankfully my son's girlfriend also quit smoking before me!

I still don't understand why people who have quit by a pack of ten for when they go out for a drink though. I know I can't do that. I have drunk alcohol since quitting and was able to not smoke as well.

My appetite for food has changed though and that is still something I have to tackle.

Best wishes to you all!

in reply to buttons_37


dori123 profile image

People say, " stop smoking, you will feel better. WHEN? I am tired, but cant sleep, my blood pressure is higher than it ever has been, I am a paid to be around, moods, stomach hurts, head hurts, when will I feel better?

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to dori123

It is different for all of us Dori. I know for the first 3 months in some respects for me it was like living hell.. I stuck with it as i knew this was just a result of my body not receiving not only the nicotine but all the other nasty chemicals in cigarettes. I did not expect it to be easy i had been smoking 30 a day for 40 years s that was some serious adjusting going on :) :)

in reply to glolin


in reply to dori123

Hi Dori

I felt like hell for 3 weeks. Mostly physical. I'm still not %100. The people on this site say give yourself 3 months Give your body a chance to detox from these deadly chemicals. You're doing fantastic πŸ’ƒ

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to dori123

Hi Dori, I'm so sorry your having a hard time at the moment :( but like Glolin and Arizonasands have said, we are all different and it takes different times for us to reap the benefits of quitting :)

Dori, just you think how long you have been smoking for :o soooo, please, please be patient and you will see the benefits grow :) :)

Mr nic can strike at any time :o if he thinks he's got a chance of getting you back, he will go for it :o and if you have any doubts in your mind about quitting, then, that is when he will strike hard and keep striking until you flippin FIGHT him :) :) FIGHT him :) :) cos YOU ARE THE BOSS LADY NOW :) :)

Dori, you get those doubts out of your head and you WILL defeat mr nic :) :)

Be PROUD of what you have achieved, gosh gal, your over a month quit now and am loving it :) :) :) hold your head up high :) rejoice that your in control of your life now :) and flippin FREE again :) You just dont need mr nic any more :)

Dori, as for your sleep, or lack of it, this is soooo common a side affect, I too had this in my early stages :P :( BUT, it gets easier :) If you have a look in the Pinned Posts to the right and up a bit, you will find a breathing exercise to help calm a busy mind down :) I used this and it worked well for me :) it takes a bit of practice but its worth trying :) I printed a copy of it, sat on the side of the bed and tried it :o I think it was the third or forth night that I just had a lovely nights sleep :) and I tell you, you feel sooooooo much better the next day :) :)

Please try it Dori :) if you cant find it, I will repost it for you :)

Take care now :) x

Coco797 profile image
Coco79717 Month Winner in reply to monky

I need to find and print this - the not sleeping is my worst thing at the moment. Going on fumes at the end of the day some days and then sleeping soundly the next night. Last night was sound so tonight may be restless, I'm printing the breathing exercises.

It's odd too b/c I will put myself to bed at a decent time, no electronics, haha - just some tv to lull me off to dreamland and then I wake up around 2 or 3 am and I am UP for the day and it stinks. Once awake every problem I have comes to mind, which is minimal considering, but still I am blowing everything out of proportion in my mind. I find that I leave my bed to go to another room so my hubs isnt disturbed bc I can't seem to be quiet, get comfy, or whatever.

Here's hoping it helps!

I'm 19 days in and feel great for the most part! :) Just need some zzzzzzz's.

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Coco797

if i had to pick just one - the not sleeping was my worst as this impacted on many others..Hang in there coco, it does get better :) :)

Coco797 profile image
Coco79717 Month Winner in reply to glolin

Good to know I'm in good company and that I'm not just crazy! πŸ€“πŸ˜πŸ˜œ

I feel for my ppl around me! πŸ€”πŸ˜‘

But I won't cave. I win this fight. πŸ€—πŸš­πŸš­πŸš­

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to Coco797

Have you tried camomile tea before bed as lots on here say it really helps you 😴😴 there's also some breathing techniques to help a busy mind under pinned posts. A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow can help relax you too😊x

Coco797 profile image
Coco79717 Month Winner in reply to Briarwood

I have lavender and will use that tonight.

Thanks for the ideas! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ€—πŸš­

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Coco797

Hi ya Coco, am sorry your not sleeping very well :( but am afraid its a very common symptom in the early stages of our quit :(

The breathing exercise helped me, but it does take a bit of practice :) Coco, maybe try going to bed a bit later :o

It is difficult in the early stages Coco, cos our minds and bodies are going through a vast change :o their used to having nicotine :o and all the other 4000 toxins to which some are also very addictive like nicotine :o

So if you quit using NRT, although your getting a smaller dose of nicotine, your not getting any of the other toxins :o soooo, your mind is looking for them :o and I think thats why your mind wakes you up :o saying '' give me some flippin toxins '' and until it gets used to not having these toxins, it will keep asking you for them :(

Well, this is my theory any way :o :)

Take care now :)

Coco797 profile image
Coco79717 Month Winner in reply to monky

I went cold turkey. I do have some lavender and will use that tonight as well as go to bed later. I tried to keep extra busy to make myself tired too.

I'm not giving in to nasty nic!


in reply to dori123


I'm 4 months quit today! I quit cold turkey, and my biggest problems now are shortness of breath, irritability, and weight (bloat, water retention) gain! I'm pushing 20 lbs gain, and I feel so bloated all the time, I can't eat a full meal like I used too. Hanging in there, in hopes it will go away and I'll feel much better soon!

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to

Hiya Connie and welcome to quit support😊

Wow 4 months today is a great achievement so well done hunπŸ‘πŸΌ

Unfortunately the side effects you're experiencing are fairly normal and they will pass. If not, a check up by your Doctor will put your mind at rest. Have a good look around the site and lots of friendly people here to help. Be very proud of yourself and hope you're feeling better soonπŸ’πŸ˜Šx

in reply to Briarwood

Thank you @briarwood! Yes, I have been lurking for a while now...lots of good advice and great support!

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to

Hi Connie and welcome to quit support :) :)

Well done on your 4 months quit :) :) Great effort

I awarded you with a 4 month badge :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hi ConnieW, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community :) and a flippin great big massive well done to you gal for reaching 4 months quit :) :) Whooooopy Dhoooooopy Dooooooo :) :) and I take my hat off to you for going it cold turkey :) cos I could never have done it that way :o

Rite, down to the nitty gritty :o Shortness of breath, our bodies are all different Connie, sooo, it may take longer for some of us to reap the benefits of quitting :o But you will :) :) ermmm, am just wandering :o if you have coughed up any phlegm since your quit :o I know its not nice gal :( but, our lungs get filled with a load of ermmm, crap when we smoked :o and we have to get rid of this to help our lungs repair themselves :) Some of our members have gone to their GP's and had some antibiotics given them and this has helped them to get rid of all this stuff :) Just a thought Connie :)

Water retention, ermm, am not sure what you mean really :o BUT, my Mother used to suffer with fluid on her legs and she was prescribed by her GP to take these ''water tablets'' I'm sorry, but I just cant remember the true name of them :o Ha ha I can remember her saying, ''Gosh I'm having to go for a wee every hour now '' :D :D BUT, they worked :) :)

Perhaps, this is why your feeling bloated :o Try eating plenty of fruit like grapes, oranges :) A trip to your GP perhaps wouldnt go a miss eh :o :)

Connie, your doing ever sooo well and am loving it gal :) :) you hold your head up high and be PROUD of yourself, cos am dead proud of ya :) :) Stay strong and just remember NOPE, Not One Puff Ever :) :)

You take care now and I hope you get sorted :) :)

Pete :)

in reply to monky

Thank you! Yes, I smoked for over 45 years and had a smoker's cough and lot of phlegm before I quit. My GP had just diagnosed me with mild COPD because I was experiencing some shortness of breath. This SOB started a few years ago, but had gotten worse lately. I wasn't on inhalers, but they were prescribed. I just couldn't justify using an inhaler if I still continued to smoke!

My final incentive to quit was when I got a respiratory infection in July. I went to the docs and my oxygen level was at 90%. Doc said well, the good thing is you don't have pneumonia..he put me on antibiotics and mucinex and sent me home to recuperate. The only time I ever felt this sick was when I had the flu. I was so very sick. My last cigarette was sitting in the bathroom the middle of the night, the night before my husband took me to the doctor. I don't remember much about it and I didn't smoke the whole thing because I couldn't breathe. That morning when I woke up, I said no I won't smoke... I got back from the docs and slept three days, only getting up to drink, eat lightly, go potty and take my meds. I think I slept through my withdrawal! After those three days, I said there's no turning back and I have struggled through..some days good and some not so good!

So it took me about 2-3 weeks to get completely over my infection and coughing. I imagine during that time I was coughing up a lot of the residue from smoking along with my, brown and yellow yuck! After a month my cough was gone and both my husband and I noticed immediately I had no smoker's cough! I felt awesome, my breathing was better and for the first time in months I could take a deep down breath. I wasn't struggling like I had been, but still not perfect.

In the last few weeks I am coughing a little more though. Sometimes it feels like a glob of stuff is stuck at the back of my throat and I can't cough it up..when it finally comes up it's sticky and stringy..ha, makes me feel good that gunk is getting out.

Anyway, didn't mean for this to be so long, but I'm going to the doc tomorrow, mainly because I'm so irritable and bloated. Today I tried to watch what I ate, no sodium or sweets, and I felt like my sugar dropped suddenly and had to drink juice and eat crackers. Drinking green tea now with lemon to help with the bloating :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hi Connie and thank you for your post :) cos it may help other members on here :) :) I'm soooo happy your breathing has got easier for you :) :)

I hope your visit to the doc's helped you with your problems :) :) and you now have your feet up chillaxing :) :)

in reply to monky

Thank you monky :)

in reply to

Hi Connie

I was just reading your post and you mentioned water retention. I'm 5 weeks smokefree and lately l feel bloated and I'm retaining water in my legs and hands. Is that from quitting smoking or did you mean something else I really hope it passes because it is uncomfortable

Congrats on 4 monthsπŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Hi Arizona,

Yes, the bloating is from quitting smoking..sometimes I feel like I have a water balloon in my belly. I'm trying to watch my sodium because I have had some swelling in my legs and feet. I feel all this is from my quit, because I had no problems before. Doc wasn't concerned and gave me a few prescriptions for my irritability/major bitchiness ;)

in reply to

Hi Connie,

I had the same symptoms as you when I quit ie: swelling in legs and feet, weight gain and bloated stomach....... I went to the dr and it turned out to be a low thyroid problem....... Just thought I would mention it just in case your thyroid may be sluggish.... Studies show that quitting smoking can cause people to go hyper thyroid or hypo I'm on thyroid meds and the swelling and weight gain have gone...... Take care

droopyJ profile image

Hopefully larvin this will bring it back to the news feed for ya 😊

Larvin87 profile image
Larvin875 MONTH WINNER in reply to droopyJ

Thank you so much

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to droopyJ

Very clever sis, never would of thought of doing that to get something back to the news feed😳

Hope ya sleep better tonight hunπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€x

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Briarwood

Not just a pretty face you know sis.... πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to droopyJ

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ any more baking today or have ya bin taking it easy after yesterdayπŸ˜³πŸ˜‰

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Briarwood

Sorry sis missed this post πŸ™

Nah my baking days are over, I'm just gonna go and buy my biscuits from the shop 😊

Even the birds wouldn't eat them πŸ™

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to droopyJ

Hmmmm, maybe a safer option eh :D :D for the birds I mean :D :D

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to monky

Lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

moreless profile image

I'm so glad I found this thread. I must be the most stupid person going! I've been experiencing many of these side effects and so has my husband, who's also quit and neither one of us joined the dots and attributed them to side effects of quitting!

We've come so close to divorce, it's scary - those little quirks we used to find so endearing in each other, have become the most intensely irritating habits ever!

Inanimate objects are out to get us and should be nuked!

Super healthy hubby finds himself on medication for hypertension.

Our dentist is going to be able to take early retirement on the money he's made on us recently!

Swelling!! I was the stand in for marshmallow man on Big Hero 6!

I expected cravings, but not this!

How long do they last for, or is that like asking how long is a piece of string?

droopyJ profile image

Ahhh moreless yep how long is a piece of string πŸ™ Your symptoms may be different to hubby or the same but will probably last for differing length of time....... No two quits are the same 😊 As to divorce, hang in there you two as it will get better, besides the amount of money your both saving, you can now afford separate holidays πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Ps:great quit you two have got going on 😊😊😊😊

moreless profile image
moreless in reply to droopyJ

Thanks Droopy,

To be honest, I'm glad to be able to blame the quit for our behaviour, rather than incompatibility! :)

I'm so chuffed, because this is the first time we've both been non-smokers and it feels great!

Getting rid of the side effects will be the icing on the cake :)

Happy New Year to you :)

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to moreless

Cake? Cake? Did someone mention cake????πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

moreless profile image
moreless in reply to droopyJ

Something has to take the place of the cigs :)

droopyJ profile image

Bumped up for Debbie-t 😊😊😊

droopyJ profile image

Bumped up for Debbie-t 😊😊

Huxtam1 profile image

Incredible Dry mouth

After I quit smoking cigarettes almost 4 months ago, I lost my sense of smell. Yes, after quitting! I can't smell a coffee any more, can't smell a vanilla and cucumber, herbs and many more everyday odours, they're gone for me. Can I get my sense of smell back or is it permanent? I'm really worried about that.