How do you stop the cravings?what are your go to techniques/ideas/tricks?
How do you stop the cravings?: How do you stop the... - Quit4Life
How do you stop the cravings?
Hi Mirkanne
I go for walks, or take slow deep breaths, breathing in and out works for me,
I also have boiled sweets to hand and mint sweets and chewing gum.
Im also on NRT Patches 15mg
But if they are really tough I have a vape.
Just to help take the edge off.
Drinking water helps,
Change my routine.a little.
Hope some of these will help.
Cravings don’t last long,
In the beginning they seem never ending,
Try these little tips, hope it helps.
I quit cold turkey 10.28.2021. I have tried in the past with patch, vape etc and failed.
The first 4 days were tough.. I had bought in advance fresh fruit, microwave meals, popcorn etc and basically stayed on the couch or in the bed watching TV, reading and sleeping for 4 days. I detoxed .... day 5 was a breath of fresh air, less dizzy, less brain fog and more energy. Today is day 7 for me and it is amazing how good I feel every morning. I started having one cup of coffee on day 5, I had stayed away from it the first 4 as it is a trigger for me. I have not had any wine etc. either ... just water. Yesterday I started a healthy diet ... the first 4 days I ate whatever I wanted, LOL. I also went to the gym yesterday and it felt SOOOOO good to work out knowing I was further detoxing and cleaning out my lungs and blood. Exercise seems to offer natural good vibes I have found. BUT - I did not and will not push it. I still try to be done for the day and be in bed very early so I can get the day done and push ahead for a new smokefree day gained and further now towards the ultimate goal of the 6 week mark when for most you walk out of a fog and many of the cravings and chemical imbalance is now gone. The key for me is to NEVER take another puff AND do not use patches, gums or vapes ... all of those lead me right back to a cigarette. Cold Turkey is tough but its like pulling the bandage off fast rather than a little at a time for me. Best wishes and keep in touch !! Support is essential !
You are so right there SanJane NEVER take another puff - I did and have done years after I have given up. My most success was 9 years with just willpower. When I have used vapes, patches, pills, I always seem to sneak back when I'm extremely stressed or worried about something. I am going to take a leaf out of your book and go cold turkey completely, it's the only way I have been successful before and yes exercise & drinking lots of water with no coffee (my trigger too!) plenty of fruit and fresh air, is the only way I did 9 years without one puff of the evil weed. I only took one after the 9 years because I just found out about the tragic death of a young cousin, the friends I were with said have a cigarette it will help calm your nerves. It didn't bring her back though did it? I so regret crumbling that day for I have battled with vapes etc ever since and always go back despite hating the smell it leaves on your whole body and clothes. Well done you, onwards & upwards & no going back.
Thank you both for the responses! 😊 one problem.... i cant sit still. Always have to do something and with my hands especially. I have cheated again and just bought another pack 😥. I feel so stupid!
Why don't you take up knitting or something to keep your hands busy? When I went cold turkey & did 9 years I started knitting baby outfits for the local hospital for the premature unit but also so they could sell in the shop for cash for the unit. You can buy cheap wool in Poundshops & doesn't cost much or take long to do a basic pattern. Good luck I'm doing it again but am so stressed at the moment waiting for results of a major hospital procedure, it won't change the outcome but I am definitely going cold turkey again. Don't beat yourself up you had a set back, take one day at a time, baby steps x