Help?: New person here. I just thought I would... - Quit4Life


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New person here. I just thought I would join some sort of forum as I’m struggling with a couple emotional side effects of stopping smoking..

I smoked around 12-15 a day for 14 years and managed to cut down to 5 a day before going cold turkey.

I’ve done well so far but it’s only been two weeks. The last few days I’ve suffered really badly from emotional outbursts. I’ll have a craving and literally bawl my eyes out for ages and need to phone someone to distract me. This seems a bit extreme? Has anyone else experienced severe emotional side effects after quitting?

Other than that the only other side effect I’ve had is a sore throat which is apparently a good sign of my body recovering?

7 Replies

Firstly congrats on 2 weeks smoke free. A lot of people do get emotional after quitting. You and the smokes have been friends for a long time. It will get easier hang in there and keep phoning that friend if it helps.

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Thanks. I’m shocked at how severely upset I get it’s like pure grief! Feel daft!

I’ve also managed to have a night out drinking and resist smoking which is a huge trigger so feeling pretty good in between the emotional outbursts.

How long have you stopped for?

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I quit 7 wks ago. I have had my ups and downs, but most of the time its ok. Saved heaps of money. Hope you are feeling a bit better today. Smokes are not your friend. Write down a list of positives, and read it when you are feeling down. You did well to go out drinking and not smoke. Well done.

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Well done 7 weeks is amazing! I will I’ll write a list and pin it on the wall or something. Been a wee bit better today but still been emotional.

Yeah was really hard when I was drinking but I managed, I’m so surprised and proud lol.

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You should be proud. I dont think i could have done it. Think of the money you will save. I have saved over $1,200 and just bought a framed picture of Craig Lowndes and his v8 supercar as a reward to myself. Its nice to able to afford special things now. Think of a reward for yourself, and how soon you can buy it by not smoking.

Wayne94 profile image

I agree. It is like loosing something in a way so it can make u feel sad. I had a similar thing when the dr asked me if i smoke. Iv not smoked exept the odd one for 6 months or so. But i got kind of upset thinking about havin 2 class myself as non smoker or ex smoker or whatever cos its been important 2me along time. I told him i still seen myself as a smoker cos honestly i just wasnt upto thinkin about all that

Of course ppl always talk about the good side of not smoking so its easy 2 forget theres hard an sad bits 2 it an all. But i think its normal 2 feel that way . I hope ur ok. Im just hoping it gets easier in that way overtime

in reply to Wayne94

Yeah totally, feels like I’ve lost a part of me that made me who I am. But of course that’s not really true. I’m okay, just looking forward to it getting easier!

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