MRS: IT'S SO HARD... - Quit4Life
What's cold turkey ? i'm doing it without any help. But i'm going crazy. it's been one week. I still fell the need to have one .after my morning coffee, afternoon tea, after my dinner . But i am not giving up.
i had lung cancer... Doctors removed half of my left lung. So , i can't smoke any more. But , ask me... Do you miss it ??? OH YES !!!
Hi NICY, I have been quit for nearly 2 months, feel amazing now but still miss smoking. I really want to be smokefree and don't want to go through the first few weeks of quitting again so am doing everything I can to stay strong and fight any urges that come over me at odd times.
Stick with it, YOU can do it!
Hi Holly. I don't like Me as a smoker. I smell.Also. Not a very good example for my kids . But I can't stand feeling like something is missing for me to be happy. Specially at weekends. We get together and eat as a family. Last weekend I didn't drink , cause I know I would want a cigarette. I was proud of myself. Thank you for your support. Means a lot . Helps to know I'm not alone.
HI, I know what you mean about something is missing. Lighting up a cig was such a part of my life for so long. I just now see how it was a bad 'friend' and not a good part of my life and I try hard not to let it back in. A girl i knew at school was a bit like a cig, nice to my face but always getting me into trouble.
I can't work out how to post a picture here yet but I have some beautiful photo's on my fridge to look at when I feel down. Just be kind to yourself at the weekend
PS - you are never alone as a quitter - lots of us doing this!
Thank you Holly. I survived my second weekend. This weekend I manage to have half glass of wine. I was ok. Normally I would go for a cigarette straight away. I'm feeling a bit more positive. But still scared. I don't want to go back. Thank you for nice words. Every little helps. 🌹
HI NICY, so sorry to hear that you are having a really tough time. Lung cancer and smoking both can be beaten.
You have help to beat the cancer, getting help from a NHS stop smoking service like Quit4Life can make quitting smoking so much easier than going Cold Turkey (which is what you are doing) so please get intouch with your local service (if that's not us).
The quit smoking medications help reduce those cravings after tea, coffee, dinner..... and leave you feeling less stressed and able to break the habits. The advisers can help you find the right medication for you and get the most from it. They also share top tips to help you stay strong through the hard days.
PS: Ex smokers will still miss smoking, even after many years smokefree, but usually in a good way!
Lovely picture - looks like a great place to relax and enjoy some smokefree time.
Stay strong, you are amazing!
Thank you Julia. Yes it has been a struggle. I wake up thinking of cigarettes and go to sleep thinking and wanting a cigarette. Thing is. I have stopped before. For the babies. After I stopped breastfeeding I went back. "How stupid ". So I'm scared. But this is the first time that I really want to be a non smoker.
Hi, your determination will help you through this. You have quit before which helps you know that you can do this. Quitters do tell us, however, that each quit attempt is different and needs different support. (It takes about 7 attempts before people find they are smokefree and never go back to cigs.).
Getting some support from a quit smoking medication and an adviser will really help.
The 4 D's are a good tool to use - when you think of wanting a cig try one -
- Delay - just for a few minutes, cravings don't last long
- Drink water - a big clear glass full!
- Distraction - do something, anything! - brush your teeth, go for a walk, walk up and down the stairs, phone a friend...
- Deep breathing - take 3 slow deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and then smile
see our website for some ideas
best wishes
Hi, I am glad to hear the OK days are winning over the bad ones - hopefully they will even turn into great days.
Several of our Advisers were smokers who quit with us and decided they wanted to help others. Other Quitters have gone on to share their stories and inspire others. Just knowing that you are not alone can help so thank you for joining this community.
best wishes