i have not had a single puff since 9pm on 10th March and nearly 24hours in i am struggling this evening so have come onto this site. using patches and inhalator. any tips? i have fruit and veg stock piled and a few fruit juices and as i type i am sipping pinapple juice through a straw.
I have quit on 10th march: i have not had a single... - Quit4Life
I have quit on 10th march

Hi Nikki, I quit a month ago and it was not always easy but I am still smokefree and really want to stay that way. Sounds like you have everything ready with the snacks and patches but pelase hang on to why you want to do this. I stuck notes everywhere around the house. the other thing that helped was keeping busy. I have the tidiest house and cleanest cupboards! My mum would be amazed!! I even found a old game of monopoly. The cravings pass quicker if you do something. Anything other than smoke.
You can do it. Stay strong and it WILL get better
Stay strong!! Just know that no mater what you do u are are going to have cravings. They do get better. Im on day 14 cold turkey. Smoked for over 45 yrs. It is not easy no mater what you have or dont have. But each day it gets better and easier. Remind yourself what gave you the courage to quit and say to your self " I am not going to be an addict to Mr Nic any more!!!
Thank you all so much for your encouragement still going strong. cravings have been bad coming onto the 72hours mark, but i am ok and still not had a single puff. Inhalator is useless so not using it, using an old Bic biro instead.
Ni Nikki
Congratulations on going smokefree. How has it been going? Did the Biro work?
If anyone if finding an Inhalator not working for them, please talk with a Quit4LIfe Adviser - they can be tricky to use at first but should really help to reduce cravings. Maybe something else instead?
Best wishes