does psp make your eye sight blurrry one d... - PSP Association
does psp make your eye sight blurrry one day and better the next , could someone tell me how psp does effect the eyes.
I have psp and dit mKES the eyes v dry - not blinkiing
closing a lot and affecitgn g downward gaze
so i use eye drops for the dryness and see a consultan teveyr 12 months as i am v shor t sighted ajnd ha ve hgih pressur eihn the eyes too
but i vannnnot wea rmiuu contac tlenses any more as i hav e probs gettinhg htem in - a real disaster 4 me as i have worn them since age 19
lol JIll
have hyou joind hte PSP assoc which ha sinfo on eyes and all the ohte rprolesm asssoc oiwh PSP
(muy dyslexic typing i s abig problem for me but i cnanot writ enaythign by hand anyway)
hi rochestermn well i have psp and my eyes have just started going like you suggested one day its a bit blurry then im fine i have not contacted anyone yet as i was hoping it would go away and it was a one off thing but i think im kidding myself if you get any answers to your question perhaps you would let me know via this help line thanks \\\\\\ im sorry its not an answer to your question \\\\\and good luck peter jones queensland australia
Hi, I asked my hubby what affect psp has on his eyes, he told me it's only blurry when he try's to read, he is fine watching a TV screen and can see everything as normal from a distance except looking down. Some times his eyes get stuck upwards, mostly coming in from the light, He uses the usual eye drops and his eyes have turned blue from brown, also pin prick pupils. i think something else may be at play here and you should see your GP. Don't bother with prism glasses they don't work?. See the Doctor!
Psp affects the muscles that control the eyes. You muscles are not only needed for movement of the eyes, but also to focus properly. Some days are better than others according to my dad. Hope this helps.
Mum does fluctuate in her sight. Her sight has been the thing that bothers her the most, more than the damaging falls and the increasing difficulties with swallowing. She used to read at least 2 books a week although 3 years before she was diagnosed she had been using very large print books and complained of not being able to rememember what she had read or concentrate for long. One minute she can't see her face in a mirror and the next she can spot a bit of tissue on the carpet! She does mostly behave like a blind person, nervous about walking/putting things down/bumping into things. She doesn't bother turning or raising her head to look at things unless we encourage it and she would rather listen. Her pupils are also like pinpricks and she is incredibly light sensitive. I presume it is because the Iris is also a muscle and affected by the PSP.
My wife has terrible problems with her vision. It's true that on occasion she can see to read but for the most part she has blurring from very bad tearing There are times when she appears to be crying her eyes out. We are using four different eye drops. The most recent one is specially compounded from serum derived from her own blood. It is only a little bit helpful so she has found a lot of satisfaction listening to books provided by the U.S. Library of Congress. They have many thousands of books on line, both fiction and non fiction which I can download onto a flash drive which she can then play on a reader that is provided at no cost. I don't know if the U.K. has something similar but if not, it is surely worth promoting for the vision impaired. Perhaps even work out a cooperative arrangement to piggy back on the already existing U.S. website. May be a pipe dream but it has been a God send.for us.
The changes in my mom's eyes were the way we knew she had PSP and not PD a year ago. Very much like what others have written - no up/down movement remaining.
The thing that is different for her is that a PSP related fall as left her completely blind in her right eye. If you have an eye related injury - PLEASE go IMMEDIATELY to a TRAUMA CENTER not just an ER. It was the delay in getting to Chapel Hill that took her sight.
I am trying to attach the story that ran in the paper last week.